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Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Tiba-tiba merindukan D'espairsRay

D'ESPAIRSRAY Lyric [yami ni furu kiseki]

Fushigi na gurai samishii sora ni Yuku ate no nai omoi o ukabete
Tsumetai kaze ga kisetsu o hakobi Tameiki o shiroku koorase fuyu
o tsugeta
Kono koe wa kimi e tsutaeru tegami de
Shiroi yuki to tomo ni kimi no moto he to furu...

Mujou na kotoba de kimi o nayamase Ima made dore hodo kizu
tsukete kita no darou
Soshite itami no oku ni kimi wa boku no Shiranai kao o
kakushitsuzuketan da ne

Kimi no kurushimi ni kizku koto ga dekizu ni
Hitori yami no naka de kanashimasete ita

Masshiro na fuyu ni deatta kimi to wa Itami wkachiaeru futai
Itsumo soba ni ite Megurikuru kisetsu ga futatabi otozuretemo

Sappuukei na heya Kuuki ni tokekomu kimi o ushinau koto ni obie
Sou kimi ga kienai you ni
Kimi no teashi, karada, kubi to yubisaki made akai ito de
Nando mo nando mo ugokenakunaru made

Kimi no sonzai o itai hodo kanji
Hajimete kizuita kowaresou na egao
Fureta yubisaki Kogoesou ni furue

Masshiro na yuki ni kiete shimaisou na kimi no kakaete iru
yowasa o misete
Nakanaide mou hitori ja nai kara Tomo ni yume o miyou...
Kanashii kurai shiroku furshigiru saki de matsu kisetsu o mukae
ni yukou
Moshimo sono chi ga karehateteta nara Te o tori ayunde yukou
futari de...

In the rather wondrous lonely sky
My thoughts that will never die are floating
The cold winds brings the season,
My frozen white sigh heralded winter

My voice is in the letter written to you
It wafts down under you along with the white snow...

My heartless words torture you
Well I suppose until even now it pains you
And in the interior of the pain, the fact was that you continued to conceal a face unknown to me, didn't you?
Without feeling your pain
I was making you suffer alone in the darkness

With you, whom I met in the pure white winter
I want it so that the two of us can share the pain
Always, by your side unchangeable, though the seasons cycle again...

In the dreary room I fear that I will lose you as you sink into the void
So that you won't disappear like this
I bounded your limbs, body, neck, and fingertips with red thread
Over and over, again and again, until your movements die off

I feel your existence until it hurts
Your smile that seemed broken was what I noticed first
Our fingertips touched they shiver as if they were freezing

You, looking like you would disappear in the pure white snow; show me the weakness you carry with you
Don't cry, for you are no longer alone
Let us watch the dream together...
Let us go to meet the waiting sorrowful, white, first blizzard of the season
If this earth should fall to a desolate end
Let us clasp our hands and walk, the two of us... 
 NB: love this song so much!
        bikin mewek aja ni lagu  =w=

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

FANFIC THE GAZETTE - Lomba Fanfic Special Kai {Alamat Palsu}- The Gazette. Oneshot

Lomba Fanfic Special Kai {Alamat Palsu}- The Gazette. Oneshot

Oct 29, '11 10:44 AM
for everyone
    Title          : Alamat Palsu
    Author      : Reiru
    Genre        : Mistery, Humor, Romance
    Rating        : G
    Characters    : Kai, Aoi, Ruki, Reita, Uruha, Keka as Yuki
 Note        : Karna bulan Oktober identik dengan Hallowen, jadi terciptalah ide yang  mengangkat tentang legenda hantu-hantu Jepang dan pilihan ku jatuh pada Yuki Onna (Hantu wanita salju).
      Fanfic  ini di ikutsertakandalam Lomba Fanfic special Kai yang diadakan oleh Kyrie Keka

Lampu sorot dan kembang api yang berasal dari sebuah vila di puncak pegunungan itu memecah keheningan malam yang sunyi.
    “Happy Hallowen!!!”.
Terdengar teriakan dan hiruk pikuk dari dalam vila itu.
Villa yang biasanya kosong dan tak terawat itu kini terlihat makin suram dengan jaring laba-laba yang sengaja digantung di setiap sudut ruangan, Labu-labu berwarna orange, hijau dan hitam bergelantungan di hiasi lilin di dalamnya sehingga labu itu terlihat menyeringai aneh pada setiap tamu di pesta yang terdiri dari artis-artis dan musisi Jrock Band.
Ada yang berkostum ala manusia serigala, Frankestein, Hyena, dementor, bajak laut, vampire, pocong, kolor ijo, tuyul dan babi nyepet serta makhluk uka-uka lainnya.
 Lilin-lilin dan berbagai aksesoris pesta Hallowen pada umumnya tertata apik di villa model berarsitektur Prancis itu, sehingga makin menghidupkan aura mistis di dalamnya.
    “tempat ini cocok banget buat pesta Hallowen, kegiatan ini harus masuk jadwal rutin kita tiap tahun! Ayo bersulang!”.
 Seorang pemuda berpakaian mumi mengangkat pialanya tinggi-tinggi, diikuti ke empat temannya.
    “tapi aku kurang nyaman dengan kostum ini…”.
Kai menarik narik baju labu berwarna orange yang dikenakannya.
“ukurannnya udah pas banget sama badan mu Kai”.
 Aoi yang menjelma jadi hantu spiderman menepuk punggung  Kai kuat-kuat hingga Kai terhuyung pelan.
    “lebih ribetan gwe kali, masak bawa perban kemana mana kayak gini…”.
Reita melirik Uruha yang memakai kostum Napoleon dengan iri.
    “salah siapa suruh aku yang cari penyewaan kostum di hari terakhir sebelum pesta Hallowen diadakan, ya dapetnya cuma sisa-sisa doang, Ruki malah gak kebagian tu! ”.
Uruha tertawa ngakak melihat Reita yang kesusahan meminum anggur nya.
    “gak papa, aku sudah menemukan kostum ku sendiri”.
 Ruki memakai kaos lorek putih merah ala warok Ponorogo, memadukannya dengan jaket ungu dan celana jeans yang sudah robek dan dengan tambalan disana sini. Dan tak lupa penutup mata bajak laut serta syal bulu Silly God Disco membuatnya tampak seperti arwah seorang Rocker yang sedang gentayangan. {begitulah konsep Ruki untuk kostumnya}.
“yo! Waktunya kita berburu hantu cantik di pesta Hallowen ini!”.
Ruki berseru dengan towa kecilnya.
“aku pengen kenalan lebih dekat sama  Hizaki Antoniette, mumpung vampire Kamijo lagi asyik sama Centaurus Hizumi. Aoi mengeluarkan setangkai mawar merah dari dalam saku laba-labanya.
“gwe sama kunti Gackt aja deh!” Uruha ikutan ngeloyor pergi.
Reita melayangkan pandang ke seluruh ruangan dan pilihannya jatuh pada seorang monster cumi-cumi cewek yang mengedipkan mata kearahnya.
“biyar rambutnya cumi-cumi yang penting Rame tan unyu-unyu~”. Reita membalas kedipan hantu cumi-cumi imut itu dan mengajaknya ngobrol di pojok ruangan.
“Kalo hantu Rocker cocoknya ma hantu apa ya?”. tanya Ruki celingak celinguk.
“hantu sinden”. Jawab Kai asal sambil terkikik geli.
“Bener juga! Ada None Mana”.
 Ruki langsung merapikan rambutnya yang sudah klimis.
 “bang bro gwe cabut dulu ya!”.
Ruki langsung berjalan dengan mantap menghampiri wanita cantik berpakaian kimono yang sedang memainkan kipasnya.
“heran gwe, cepet amat mereka dapat cewek ya?”.
Kai mengulum coklat dari tas labu yang di bawanya.
“mending cari persediaan makanan buat ngemil besok aja, mumpung disini gratis”.
Kai sedang sibuk memasukkan beberapa camilan dan permen di tas labu nya, ketika tiba-tiba sesosok wanita cantik berbaju perak masuk ke ruang pesta.
“siapa cewek itu? Artis Jrock baru kah? Kayaknya aku belum pernah liat deh”.
Gadis itu memandang Kai tanpa ekspresi, lalu berjalan mendekat kearah Kai sambil menyibakkan rambut panjangnya yang terurai indah.
“Hai! Selamat datang, maaf sepertinya aku belum mengenalmu, perkenalkan nama ku Kai”. Sapa Kai tersenyum ramah.
“ nama ku Yuki, aku tersesat di hutan dan tidak sengaja menemukan villa ini”.
“oh, rumah mu dimana?”
Yuki menarik tangan Kai dan membawanya keluar villa. Cuaca yang tadinya normal seketika menjadi dingin dan tak lama salju pun turun.
“aneh sekali, kenapa musim dingin tiba begitu cepat ya?”. tanya Kai  heran.
Ketika mereka menuruni tangga villa tiba-tiba Yuki terjatuh hingga dia tidak sanggup untuk berdiri.
“Yuki,kau tidak apa-apa?”. Kai membantu gadis itu berdiri.
“sepertinya kaki ku terkilir, sakit sekali kalau untuk berjalan”. Yuki meringis kesakitan.
“kalau begitu kamu ku gendong saja ya, akan ku antar sampai ke rumah mu”.
Yuki mengangguk pelan, di biyarkannya Kai memanggul tubuhnya di punggung Kai dengan nyaman.
“Rumah mu sekitar villa sini ya? di sebelah mana?”. Tanya Kai
Gadis itu hanya menunjuk ke arah hutan yang lebat dan gelap di depan villa.
“nih, camilan ku kamu makan saja, buat bekal selama perjalanan nanti”.
Kai memberikan keranjang labu nya pada Yuki dan mulai berjalan menuju arah yang tadi ditunjuk Yuki.
 “bagaimana kamu bisa tersesat?”.
“aku tidak tau, aku hanya penasaran saja dengan cahaya yang terpancar dari arah tebing itu, karna ingin melihatnya aku pun berjalan menyisiri hutan dan sampailah di villa mu tadi”. Jawab Yuki.
“Oh, itu pesta Hallowen yang sengaja kami adakan sebagai ajang reuni para anak Jrock”. Kai tersenyum manis kearah Yuki.
Tanpa Kai sadari, Yuki melempar satu persatu permen di keranjang labu selama perjalanan mereka.
Lama mereka berjalan memasuki tengah hujan yang gelap sementara salju turun semakin lebat.
“aduuh,lama-lama ni cewek badannya tambah berat aja”. Batin Kai dalam hati.
“Kai, permennya habis ni, ada yang laen gak?”. Tanya Yuki melambai-lambaikan keranjang labu Kai.
“gak ada, aku cuma bawa itu…”. Dalam hati Kai meringis pilu.
“hu-huuuu~ persediaan camilan gwe masak di makan semua~”. *mewek*
“sepertinya topi Kai yang kayak tutup kerancang labu ini enak deh!”. Yuki mencomot Topi di kepala Kai.
“wadoh! Topi sewaan di embat juga! Uruha bisa mencak-mencak nih!”. Kai meringis ngeri.
“ni cewek laper apa busung lapar ya?!”. Kai memandang takjub Yuki yang melahap potongan terakhir topinya.
“Yuki, apa rumah mu masih jauh?”. Kai membenarkan letak gendongannya. nyaris tidak kuat lagi menahan dingin dan lelah.
 “kita sudah berjalan cukup jauh, sebaiknya kita berhenti dulu ya?”.
“jangan!” teriak Yuki.
“nenek pasti sekarang cemas mencari ku, aku harus segera pulang”.
    “iya deh!”. Dengan menghela napas panjang Kai kembali melangkahkan kakinya.
    “Bdw,Kok sepi banget sih?!”. ujar Yuki lagi
    “yaiyalah! Lo pikir kita di pasar malem apa?”. keluh Kai dalam hati.
    “Kai nyanyi dong!”.
    “nyanyi? Aku gak begitu bisa nyanyi…”.
“ayo nyanyi, biyar perjalanan ini gak terasa jauh”. Bujuk Yuki.
Karna terpaksa akhirnya Kai pun berdendang.
“kemana kemana kemana… ku harus mencari kemana…”
Yuki tersenyum senang sambil menepuk nepuk bahu Kai.
“ dimana dimana dimana tinggal mu…”
“ke sana kemari membawa alamat, namun yang ku temui bukan dirinya, sayang yang ku terima alamat palsu…”
Kai menghentikan nyanyiannya.
“aduh, jangan gerak-gerak dong! Tar kalo jatuh tanggung sendiri ya!”.
Wajah Kai merona merah melihat Yuki yang tertawa lepas.
“kau terlihat makin cantik kalau sedang tertawa”.
Yuki memandang Kai dengan hangat.
“kau tau? Kaulah orang pertama yang bisa membuat ku tertawa”.
“itu manis sekali”. Kai balas tersenyum, ada sedikit semangat yang menjalari tubuhnya.
“Tarik maa~ng!”. Yuki mengayun ayunkan kerancang labu yang sudah kosong layaknya koboi yang mengayunkan tali kekang kudanya.
“Hei,hei,hei..lo pikir gwe kuda poni peliharaan lo!“. Kai merengut lucu.
“ngomomg-ngomong ni kita gak tersesat kan?”.
“enggak..”. Yuki melingkarkan tangannya di leher Kai, memeluknya dengan erat.
Wajah Kai pun langsung memerah lagi di buatnya.
Yuki menutup matanya dan tersenyum manis
“er, Yuki udah ngantuk ya?”.
“iya, boleh aku tidur di gendongan Kai?”.
“tentu saja”. Kai mengangguk pelan.
“Kai baik sekali, terima kasih ya”.
“tidak apa-apa, aku akan mengantar Yuki sampai ke rumah, jadi Yuki tenang saja”.
“ini jalannya tinggal lurus saja kan?” Tanya Kai, tapi Yuki tidak menjawab.
Kai merasa ada keanehan pada gadis ini, tapi dia memutuskan untuk tetap melanjutkan perjalanan sebelum malam semakin larut.
“apa Yuki, lapar, haus dan lelah? Pegel gak di gendong Kai?” tanya Kai lagi, tapi Yuki tetap diam membisu.
“Yuki harus bersabar ya? Yuki harus kuat melanjutkan perjalanan ini sampai akhir”. Kata Kai membangkitkan semangat Yuki dan dirinya sendiri.
    Kai heran karna pertanyaannya tidak dijawab dan karna ingin memastikan kalau Yuki baik-baik saja, Kai pun menengok ke arah Yuki.
“Yuki?!”. Kai terkejut bukan main saat melihat kain berwarna perak yang ada di bahunya, dan di tangan Kai terdapat keranjang Labu miliknya yang berisi bongkahan salju besar.
“ini…”. Kai masih tidak percaya dengan penglihatannya.
“apakah Yuki adalah wanita salju penghuni gunung yang sering di ceritakan orang-orang sekitar villa itu?”. Kai terdiam sesaat memandang bongkahan salju itu dengan mata sayu.
Ya, Yuki hantu yang dingin dan kejam yang suka membunuh pemuda-pemuda yang tertarik padanya itu mencair karena kehangatan hati Kai.


NB: Dukung Fanfic 'Alamat Palsu' Reiru ini jadi anfic favorit ya? 
       Bagi yg punya akun Multiply, t ulis dalam reply postingan JURNAL INI beserta alasan  kenapa  kalian menyukai fanfic ini. Kalo gak ada akun Multiply bisa ikut Vote DI SINI komen di blog terbuka untuk umum.
Dua orang yang mengemukakan alasan paling bagus dan logis akan mendapatkan pulsa elektrik masing-masing senilai Rp. 10,000.- Waktu vote dimulai sejak jurnal ini dipublikasikan sampai tanggal 14 November 2011 pukul 24:00 WITA

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Dir en Grey

The Little Devil


Alice nine Kru

Alice nine Cantabile




Funding Keiyuu (chap.1)

Funding Keiyuu (chap.2)

Funding Keiyuu (chap.3)


The Last Goal




Beautiful Nightmare

Kamen Rider D'espa


This is Love




Pipopapo Club - Chap.2End (The Gazette, Alice nine, Ayabie, Ancafe, Sadie, Screw, Vidoll, Versailles, Megamasso)

Pipopapo Club - Chap.1 (The Gazette, Alice nine, Ayabie, Sadie, Screw, Vidoll, Versailles, Megamasso)

Sug and Vivid

Hide and Seek

The Gazette and Alice nine

BANJIR!( chap.1)

BANJIR! (chap.2)

BANJIR! (chap.3End) 



PSC Kingdom



Jin Ajaib


Just For You (chap.1)

Just For You (chap.2)

Just For You (chap.3)

Just For You (chap.4)

Just For You (chap.5End)

Gomen ne

Bloody Valentine

Alamat Palsu


I wanna Love (chap.7End)

I wanna Love (chap.6)

I wanna Love (chap.5)

I wanna Love (chap.4)

I wanna Love (chap.3)

I wanna Love (chap.2)

I wanna Love (chap.1)

Blue Star

Love Fool

Are u really the One


Bento Special

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Peta dari Teru Versailles& Zero D'espairsRay

Yeiiii! mimpi ape semalem sampe di peta Teru X333

Mang Ero~~~lop u!!! X333

Peta From Rui Screw


Vivid SHOXX Vol.223

  1. Credit Please

The Gazette SHOXX Vol.223

  1. credit please

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

SHOXX Vol.223 Sept 2011

Akhirnya tgl.15 September 2011, kiriman yg ku nanti-nanti datang juga \^o^/

SHOXX Vol.23, dg tak sabar aku dan Ijul membuka bungkusnya bersama sama, JENG JEEENG!!

buka halaman pertama langsung jejeritan, gara2 ikemen satu ini! X333

             mang KENZOOOO

Ini saia post beberapa piku2nya agak bercahaya karna cuma lewat camdig XD yg lengkap and bening2 jg udah ada yg upload, jd ini hanya untuk menyenangkan hati saia saja X33 dan tdk lupa saia jg ucapkan terimakasih buat mb. Mochi, gomen pas nganter saia lg keluar, Arigatou gozaimasu!/-o-)/\(-o-\)

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Peta From Jin Screw

Nyahahaaa Rui tak ada Jin pun jadi,,, X3

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Peta dari Teru Versailles& Zero D'espairsRay

Mimpi ape aku semalem dapet peta dari Teru X3

Akhirnya dapet peta dari mang Ero juga!!!*cipok* X3

Senin, 05 September 2011

the GazettE – Voiceless Fear [Lyrics and Translation]

the GazettE – Voiceless Fear [Lyrics and Translation]

Hikari no naka, sakebi wa shizuka ni ubawareteita

"a quirk of fate (3x) in" stillness

Pain kasokushite yuku,

yami ni ochite yuki sou

kuuhaku no toki

Ishiki no soko de oboreru you na

Kankaku ga totemo itai

Myaku ni karamaru tsumetai ame ga

Ore o kowashite yuku

Nani mo wakaranai mama

maku o orushita higeki mugon wa tsuzuku

Ishiki no soko de oboreru you na

Kankaku ga totemo itai

Myaku ni karamaru tsumetai ame ga

Ore o kowashite yuku

Tsuki tsukerareta kaitou ni yureru

Sakebi o wasurete kimi o nakusu nara

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Yaki tsuita mama de hanarenai

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Hari tsumeta mama ugomeku

My broken throat

Nemuri kara samete

tada nagareru hibi o nagame

Iradachi hito wa tada

kawaranai jijitsu ni

Tsuki tsukerareta ashita ni unazuku

Sakebi o wasurete kimi o nakusu nara

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Yaki tsuita mama de hanarenai

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Hari tsumeta mama ugomeku my throat

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Kuuhaku o shitta ano basho de

Get rid of fear from me (2x)

Kakechigau haguruma to odorou

"till fear fades away", a quirk of fate (6x)


Inside the light my scream has been silently snatched away

A quirk of fate

In stillness

Pain it speeds up it seems to fall into darkness a moment of vacancy

The sensation that seems to drown at the bottom of my senses hurts so much

The cold rain that is entwined in my pulse will break me

Not understanding anything the tragedy that lowered the curtain the silence continues

I'm shaking from this answer that has been thrust upon me

"If you forget the screams and get lost ..."

Get rid of fear from me

This burnt in state won't go away

Strained I'm squirming

My broken throat

I woke up from my sleep I'm just staring at the days passing by

Even if I get broken by this frustration this unchanging reality is still ...

I'm just nodding at this tomorrow that has been thrust upon me

"If you forget the screams and get lost ..."

Get rid of fear from me

This burnt in state won't go away

Strained I'm squirming My throat

This void I have known at that place

I'm dancing with these crossing cogwheels

Till fear fades away

A quirk of fate

the GazettE – The True Murderous Intent [Lyrics andTranslation]

the GazettE – The True Murderous Intent [Lyrics and Translation]

Inward ni fure hizumi masu scene
makoto gyakuno Truth icchi suru Lies
komi age tekuru Murderous intent
I can't control myself

sandome no outo de nigiri tsubushi ta hazu no Vice
shinsou haamarini Shallow
A leech to whisper at the ear
Innumerable victims and future victim
yatsu ni daku
this is murderous intent

Give me your head
Crazy fat duce
I don't forgive you

Don't touch me
Can't control myself anymore
Die for me and all victims
Last time
A parasitic worm teno naru hou he

hakidashi ta shinsou no urade hawo muki dashi waratte ru
marini utsukushi sugite hakike gasuru
mata kurui dasu
my mind

Don't touch me...
Can't control myself anymore
Die for me and all victims
Last time

owari naki sono Malice tsugi ha dare no heya de ...
Die for me and all victims
Last time
A parasitic worm teno naru hou he


I can’t control myself
Touching me inward is a continuously-distorting Scene:
The exact opposite of Truth, consistent Lies...
Murderous intent wells up inside me.
I can't control myself.

A leech to whisper at the ear
Innumerable victims and future victim
I should have abandoned vice the third time I vomited.
"The truth is really Shallow."
A leech to whisper at the ear
Innumerable victims and future victim
Clasp it close.
This is murderous intent.

Give me your head
Crazy fat duce
I don't forgive you

Don't touch me
Can't control myself anymore
Die for me and all victims
Last time
A parasitic worm roars at my hand

Behind the logic you vomited up, you bare your teeth in a laugh.
That too-beautiful nausea you give me
Still confuses
My mind

Don't touch me...
Can't control myself anymore
Die for me and all victims
Last time

That Malice is without end. Whose room will it haunt next?
Die for me and all victims
Last time
A parasitic worm roars at my hand

credit to: yusahana6323

the GazettE – PLEDGE [Lyrics and Translation]

the GazettE – PLEDGE [Lyrics and Translation]

Kizu tsuketa ato tashika
Kizukenakatta koto
Ayamachi no kazu kimi wo motome
Mitsume aeta hazu sa

Chiisana uso ga
Hibi wo umeteita
Utagai wo kawasu y?u ni
Ushinau imi wo kokoro ga shiru
Tachitsukusu nidome no fuyu

Kimi wa mienai asu ni tomadoi
Koe wo age, naiteita ne
Kotoba wo sagasu koto mo dekizu ni
Ochiru namida wo hirotta

Sabishisa ni tsutsumarete
Hibi wa tada wo nurashi
Hikari wo motomeai kurikaeshita
Mata fukaku omoeru

Koe wo kanjite no wa uso janai
Ah, tashika ni kimi no tonari de

Aishiteru nandemo iranai
Tada zutto, soba ni ite to
Koe wo tarashi naiteita kimi ni
Kowarete yukitai

Saisho de saigo no kotoba wa kimi e sono ude wo (hanasanai yo)
Kata wo narabete onaji yume ga futari wo saru

Ch?sana uso ga katachi wo kaete
Shiroi yuki ni toketeyuku
Ushinau imi wo wasurenu you ni
Nando mo mune ni kizamu yo

Sayonara wa koko ni oite arukidasou
Mou nido to miushinau koto wa nai

Futari ai wo tashikameau you ni
Kanashimi wo mitekita kara
Ashita futari kiete shimatte mo
Mou nakanai utai yo

Itsuka sugisaru kisetsu no you ni
Kawariyuku futari ga ite
Kanashimi ni tachidomaru yoru ga kite mo
Wasurenaide, owaru koto wa nai
Futari yume no naka…

~English Translation~

The thing I realized 

only after I hurt you

I was looking for the number of faults in you 

when we should have looked at each other

Our days were buried in small lies 

So that we can fight the doubts

Our hearts know the meaning of losing each other 

This second winter is standing still

You are lost because you cannot see tomorrow 

Raising your voice you were crying

Without being able to find any words I just caught your tears

Wrapped in loneliness the days soaked both of us

We were repeatedly looking for understanding 

I can feel it deeply once again

It's no lie when I said that I felt eternity

I will certainly be by your side

I don't need "I love you" anymore

If only you'd stay forever by my side

I want to be broken by you

Who exhausted your voice by crying

All the words from the beginning to the end were said to you

So that you won't let go of these arms

The same dream that stood by our side washed us both away

The small lies change their shapes and dissolve into a white breath of air

So that we won't forget the meaning of losing each other 

It doesn't matter how many times my heart is stabbed

I leave this "goodbye" right here and move forward

I won't lose you once again

So that we can assure ourselves of our love we both had to see sorrow

Even if we both end up vanishing tomorrow 

It's okay to not cry anymore

Someday we will change into two people that pass like the seasons

Even if there will be nights when you will be frozen from sadness

Don't forget

Nothing will ever end

In a deep dream

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

The Gazette Lyric


The True Murderous Intent

Voiceless Fear

Remember The Urge

痴情 (Chijou)

Clever Monkey

Venomous Spider's Web

Sludgy Cult


Suicide Circus


My Devil On The Bed


Rutless Deed



Tomorrow Never Dies

Requaired Malfuction


影踏み (Kage fumi)

余韻 (Yoin)

the GazettE – CLEVER MONKEY [Lyrics]

the GazettE – CLEVER MONKEY [Lyrics]

I send this song to the honest pink monkey
Amaya kasareta sono tsura no kawa kono ba de
I tear it off

Dance until you die
Ungainly boy
You are too different from me
If you want stimulation
Oh, I give it

This is not hatred for you
Will it be some kind of mistakes to be overconfident?

Answer mother motherfucker

You are clever monkey (different from me)
You are clever monkey (ungainly boy)
You are clever monkey (dance until you die)
You are clever monkey (know yourself) (x2)

I send this song to the honest pink monkey
Amaya kasareta sono tsura no kawa kono ba de
I tear it off

Dance until you die
Ungainly boy
You are too different from me
If you want stimulation
Oh, I give it

Oh, this is not hatred for you
Will it be some kind of mistakes to be overconfident?
That’s too bad….

You are clever monkey (different from me)
You are clever monkey (ungainly boy)
You are clever monkey (dance until you die)
You are clever monkey (know yourself) (x2)

You are clever monkey

The Gazette clever monkey with English subtitles

the GazettE – REMEMBER THE URGE [Lyrics]

the GazettE – REMEMBER THE URGE [Lyrics]

Kuroku nuritsubusu youni kuuhaku wo ume ta
Doko de kurui hajime ta ?
Ano hi toha chigau (Ugly rivalry)

Aza yaka sugi tanowa
Yume wo misugi tasei
Ima wa nanimo kanji nai

Souzou ni miwo nage ru kimi he

Aza yaka sugi tanowa
Kitto ore mo onaji de
Ima wa tada toki wo mitsu me

Nee kiko erukai ?
Kokoro ga kie ta oto tsumeta ku hibiku
Kuzure dashi ta sekai no hate ni
Ah~ Nani ga nokoru ?

[My own enemy]
There is the need to disturb it now
[Your own enemy]
Never miss the eyes
Know your enemy

Tsutae kire nu hodo koko wa kuraku te nanimo mie nai
Owa ru koto no nai kuuhaku ni naniwo miru ?

Yume wa hakana ku subete ni kurushi miwo oboe ta tokini
Shinji rareru nowa jibun de

Nee wasure naide
Sono meni utsuri komu hikari no sakini
Fukai yami ga sonzai shitemo
Shinjitsu wa hitotsu darou ?

Nee kiko erukai ?
Kokoro ga kie ta oto tsumeta ku hibiku
Kuzure dashi ta sekai no hate ni
Ah~ Nani ga nokoru ?

The Gazette Remember the Urge with English subtitle

the GazettE – 痴情 (Chijou) [Lyrics]

e Lthe GazettE – 痴情 (Chijou) [Lyrics]

awa hana wo name ansoku neji komu
Toiki no kazu mo wasure nai dene ?
Sora sanusono me kyouki hawa sete warau
Aisu ruga yue tada sono redakeno koto
I want to monopolize you
Lump of the envy
I want to monopolize you
Forever unchanging
Nando hada kasane temo anata ga nijimu sei
Kono chijou wa fukaku mou modore nu
Shime age ta tega toiki de nure teru
Wazuka ni kanji ta myaku wo kazoe wasure
Kami wo nade ruyouna sabi ta kaori ga
Yuuetsukan to motsure ru
I want to monopolize you
Lump of the envy
I want to monopolize you
Forever unchanging
Nando hada kasane temo anata ga nijimu sei
Shinku chira shi kuruwa sete
Chijou no hate ni kai ta futari wa
Sou~ Kodoku janai to warai kakete ruyoude
Kokoro odoru
The Gazette 痴情 chijou with English subtitles


The snake licks a flower and screw the repose into…
Don't forget the number of your sighs ?
It doesn't avert its eyes aside, draw its insanity and laugh
It's because of love, it's just it is
I want to monopolize you
Lump of the envy
I want to monopolize you
Forever unchanging
No matter how many times I intercourse, that's the deed makes you stained
This blind love is so deep that I cannot return
The hand squeezed up is wet with sighs
Forgetting to count the pulse I slightly felt
The rust scent like to stroke hairs
is wrapped with sense of superiority
I want to monopolize you
Lump of the envy
I want to monopolize you
Forever unchanging
No matter how many times I intercourse, that's the deed makes you stained
I scattered the deep bright red and drive it mad
and at consequence of blind love,
"Two" I wrote
seems to giving a smile with "Yes,
you are not alone", so
My heart gets thrilled


Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

The Gazette - REMEMBER THE URGE [2011/08/31]

3. 痴情

Akhirnya single Remember the urge rilis juga dan doa ku agar the Gazette kembali membuat lagu2 khas mereka pun terkabul XD

Aku benar2 bisa merasakan kembali aura the Gazette di tiga lagu mereka ini. Pas denger CLEVER MONKEY , jiwa headbengan ku langsung membara XDD, tapi lo lbh didalami lagi ni lagu mirip ma salah satu lagunya SKULL ya,,,*tp ak lupa judulnya* XP

痴情 *alias cinta buta* menurut ku nyrempet2 TAION,unsur merana dan perasaan yang mendalam...*halah*

Kalo REMEMBER THE URGE baik lagu dan pv nya pancen cakep banget, ni lagu jg mengingatkan ku pada lagu The Gazette yg lain...lagi2 saia lupa, maklum dah mule pikun. *ditabok Kai* X3

At list, saia demen ke tiga lagu ini, matur nuwn sanget kangge nyai Ijul, engkang sampon lek2an ngantos jam kaleh welas dalu, donlotaken single meniko *hug* XDDD

Dan mumpung ni lagi Lebaran, Reiru mengucapkan selamat Idul Fitri 1432H, maap kalo selama ini ada tulisan, gambar dan segala macam uploadan Reiru yg kurang berkenan di hati teman2 semua. mohon maap lahir batin^^: segala saran, kritik dan masukan teman2 semua masih saia buka lebar2. Arigatou minna sa~~~n.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011


Akhirnya mang Karyu dan Giru ex. Vidoll maen satu band X3
ternyata mereka diam2 kenalan,,,,*cuit-cuit* XD

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Kenzo x Yumechun

ini adalah beberapa adegan syuuur bang kenzo dan Yumechun di film yg dibintangi para member AYABIE *saia lupa judulnya*. thx buat ijul yg udah edit ni piku XDD

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

D'espairsRay interview - HIZUMI interview for Club Zy website August 11, 2011

A short interview of Hizumi and Seiichi Hoshiko (the head of Club Zy and Starchild complany) was posted today on Club Zy website. It's about Zy's mascot Raimaru Hizumi designed and his UMBRELLA project.

A cute tiger suddenly appears in the top left corner of our homepage! Here we present the truth behind Raimaru!

Q: A cute tiger character suddenly appeared in the top left corner of club Zy homepage, in fact the creator of that character is…
Hoshiko: Yes, I am going to make an announcement about him here! The character is called Raimaru and his creator is HIZUMI. Once we were drinking and chatting and I was very surprised to know that HIZUMI had been drawing a lot. I wanted to have a mascot character for Zy for a while and, when I asked him: “Would you like to try and draw it?” Hizumi said: “Sounds fun!”
HIZUMI: That’s right.
Q: Did you have a tiger as a theme for the character from the beginning?
Hoshiko: No, nothing of the sort. However, HIZUMI asked me a lot of questions about my background. Like: “Where were you born?” or “What things do you like?” or “What is your favorite color?”
HIZUMI: When creating a mascot for Mr. Hoshiko, I wanted to base it on something real behind the man. Tiger is his Chinese astrology sign and he said that his favorite color was emerald green. That’s why at first the mascot was emerald green (laughs). I also made it look very evil. After that I changed it a little so it’d be more lovable and it became a very simple design.
Q: So it means that Mr. Hoshiko was a motif for the mascot?
HIZUMI: At first he was (laughs). But half way through he told me: “Don’t make him look too much like me” (laughs).
Hoshiko: After HIZUMI changed the color, made a lot of small adjustments and the design took the final shape, Raimaru made his successful debut!
Q: What do you like the most about the mascot, HIZUMI?
HIZUMI: I like the “Zy” pattern on Raimaru’s forehead that looks like a lightning and his paws in a shape of stars (laughs). (T.N. “Hoshiko” literally means “star child” and it’s also the name of Mr. Hoshiko’s company that owns Zy., Gab, Stylish Wave etc.)
Q: What did you have troubles with the most?
HIZUMI: The most difficult thing was after Mr. Hoshiko suddenly said that he wanted to have Raimaru moving… (laughs)
Hoshiko: Like after I told you that I wanted Raimaru to headbang (laughs).
HIZUMI: Raimaru headbangs, if you point a mouse cursor at him.
Hoshiko: After I said that HIZUMI told me: “Then we also need views of Raimaru from behind and from the side”.
HIZUMI: We needed to have images of Raimaru from different angles and in the end I drew him in about ten different poses (laughs).
Q: It seems there are a lot of ways you can play around with Raimaru now.
Hoshiko: Well, I’m going to make a huge profit in a mascot business now and use that money to revive visual kei (laughs).
HIZUMI: You can’t say things like that! (laughs)
Q: Are you going to focus on working as an illustrator from now on, HIZUMI?
HIZUMI: Not as an illustrator, how should I phrase it… I think calling it a “creator” would be more precise, because it won’t be just about making illustrations.
Hoshiko: HIZUMI also has a lot of artworks. He has a lot of different artworks on his iPad he always walks around with. When I saw them, I thought that he was amazing.
HIZUMI: I don’t really have any restriction when it comes to styles.
Q: Have you ever studied art before?
HIZUMI: No. Actually I started drawing illustrations after Tohoku earthquake.
Q: Huh? But didn’t you give a lizard artwork for Mr. Nishikawa’s earthquake charity auction? Was it your very first work?
HIZUMI: Yes. Until then I had only sung and written lyrics and I thought: “Is there anything I can do now other than singing?” And then, when it was the time to decide what kind of work I was going to put out next, I decided on art. In short, I wanted to realize the images I had in my head.
Q: And that’s how you started your creative project UMBRELLA that consists of three categories.
HIZUMI: Yes. [UMBRELLA MUSEUM] is where I present my work as an artist. [UMBRELLA DESIGN.] is my designs for others and collaborations like designing mascot characters. And [UMBRELLA MUSIQ] is for the day, when I eventually recover and will be able to continue making music on my own. Until now I have always focused on D’espairsRay, but on the contrary at times like this I want to concentrate on things I can do now. I want to do an exhibition of my art one day. I want to collaborate with many people, musicians and designers of accessories and clothing. Also I want to try making my illustrations into figurines.
Q: Your dreams know no limits.
HIZUMI: I have no restrictions and there are a lot of possibilities.
Hoshiko: By the way I was surprised, when one day you suddenly started your twitter account.
HIZUMI: I had been thinking about making a twitter account for a while, but I had been looking for the right timing. Once things started to take shape, I decided to begin to show little by little what’s going on. I enjoy writing on twitter and I’d be happy if everyone had fun reading it.
Q: Finally please say of few words to manias.
HIZUMI: Until now I have expressed myself only through music, but now I’d like to try doing many different and interesting things. I’d be happy if you enjoyed UMBRELLA. Also I’d be happy for Raimaru to become the most popular mascot.

Name: Raimaru
Blood type: V
Place of birth: Visual star
Date of birth: November 1
Astrological sign: Tiger
Height: size of three poisonous apples
Weight: weight of five poisonous apples
Charming point: paws
Favorite things: liver sashimi
Special skills: Headbanging, X-jump
Dreams: become a vocalist in a rock band
Favorite magazines: don’t read anything except Zy. MAG and Gab.
Hobby: go to all Stylish Wave lives
Person you respect: Mr. Hoshiko (and let’s leave it at that (laughs))
Favorite line: Chance comes when you’re in a pinch!

credit to: notafanboy

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


ex-D'espairsRay Vo.HIZUMI creation project (mainly non-musical) "UMBRELLA" has opened his OHP at 2011/08/11

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Leda/DELUHI -VANDALICKS- (trailer)

Leda is the great guitar and bass player !!
I miss u all guys
please don't disband...=w=


Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

OUR PINK SPIDER 2011「hide STILL ALIVE!東北関東大震災チャリティーライヴ」

Hi kawan2 MANIA Indonesia ni ada kabar terbaru dari mang ero n Ayang Tsukasa, simak baik2! XD
OUR PINK SPIDER 2011「hide STILL ALIVE!東北関東大震災チャリティーライヴ」

2011.09.18 (Sun.)
OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00

TICKET ¥3,000 / ¥3,500 (D代¥500)
PALOOZA先行 8/1 14:00~8/5 18:00
一般発売 8/20~ 各プレイガイド

Key : DIE(Ra;in) Dr : MAD大内

「ZERO BAND(D’espairsRay)」

CUTT & TAKA のユニット

Dr : Eby(ex.ZI:KILL)

「KAMIJO BAND(Versailles)」

jadi mang Ero n ayang ikut Hide in Memorial, mereka bikin session band yg dikasih nama ZERO BAND! wwww

D'espairsRay T-Shirt!

Horeeei! akhirnya kaos D'espa nya dah jadi!! *mejeng didepan kaca*
Berasa D'espa nempel di punggung terus X33
semoga teman2 puas dg hasilnya^^:

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Isshi Passed Away

Aku bener-bener shcok denger kabar ini tadi pagi dari Ijul. Rasanya masih gak percaya denger ni berita,,,pas Kagrra, disband aja aku udah sedih banget, apalagi setelah dengar berita tentang Isshi...TT_TT.
ya lagi-lagi kita kehilangan salah satu musisi hebat Jepang. Suara Isshi yg khas tak kan pernah tergantikan, semoga dia damai berada di dunia sana, amin.

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Pigg life Rechun dan mpok Ijul

do u play pigg-life too?
lets enjoy!! ^0^

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