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Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Uta no Prince sama 1000%

Para Maret 2011 majalah Newtype mengumumkan bahwa serial televisi anime berdasarkan the romance game franchise  akan disiarkan selama musim panas dan  Berjudul  Uta no prince sama (Uta no prince sama 1000% ) seri ini diproduksi oleh A-1 Pictures di bawah arahan Yuu Kou dan Tomoko Konparu yang mengawasi script serta Mitsue Mori yang mengadaptasi desain karakter asli dari romance game nya. serial anime ini mulai disiarkan di Tokyo MX dan Gunma TV pada tanggal 3 Juli 2011 at 12:00 am dan video layanan streaming untuk  simulcasting seri bagi  penonton di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Inggris, Australia, Selandia Baru, dan Afrika Selatan.
Pada musim kedua telah resmi ditayangkan pada tanggal 3 April 2013 dengan judul  Uta no prince sama 2000% yang merupakan kelanjutan dari seri  pertama. Seri pertama  dan kedua anime ini  telah dilisensi oleh Sentai Filmworks untuk rilis pada tahun 2013.
(Sebenarnya aku juga pengen bahas seri yang 2000% tapi belum sempet nonton nih! Tar nunggu libur lebaran ya teman-teman XD, *tabok*
Genre: Haren, Romance, Comedy,Music,Idol Anime

Dengan bercita-cita menjadi komposer dan suatu hari nanti menulis lagu untuk idola favoritnya, Haruka Nanami memasuki Saotome Academy, sebuah sekolah seni pertunjukan bergengsi. Jika berhasil di sana, dia akan bisa bergabung dengan Shining Agency  setelah lulus. Namun, itu semua  menjadi  tidak  mudah ketika Haruka dikelilingi oleh  Idol- idol potensial dan komposer-komposer lainnya . Selain itu, guru wali kelas nya adalah idola saat ini, kepala sekolah adalah seorang penyanyi memecahkan rekor. Permasalahan sering terjadi di  akademi ini . 
Di sekolah ini ada peraturan, dimana pada akhir sekolah saat wisuda, dua siswa harus dipasangkan dengan pilihan siswa itu sendiri, satu mengambil peran idola dan lainnya peran komposer. Setelah dipasangkan, dengan "pasangannya" akan menyanyikan sebuah lagu  yang ditulis dan dinyanyikan oleh pasangan. Jika berhasil, pasangan itu akan bergabung di Shining Agency suatu perusahaan yang memproduksi  debut artis-artis baru.hal ini menjadi lebih sulit, karena dilarang adanya hubungan asmara di sekolah. Siapakah sang  pangeran  idol  yang akan dipasangkan dengan Haruka? 


Haruka Nanami

Seiyuu: Miyuki Sawashiro
     Karakter wanita utama. Mimpi Haruka adalah menjadi seorang komposer sehingga ia dapat membuat sebuah lagu untuk idolanya, Hayato.  Untuk mewujudkan  mimpi itu, dia mendaftar ke Saotome Academy, dan masuk ke dalam Kelas A. Teman sekamarnya adalah Tomochika Shibuya Haruka tinggal bersama neneknya sejak dia masih kecil. Haruka memiliki fisik yang lemah, namun saat  dia mendengar lagu Hayato saat perjalanan ke kota, dia pun jadi mempunyai mimpi untuk menjadi komposer  dan suatu hari nanti Haruka ingin membuat lagu untuk Hayato. Haruka  tidak tahu apa-apa tentang musik sebelum mendaftar ke Saotome Academy. dia memainkan piano.


Otoya Ittoki

Seiyuu: Takuma Terashima
    Satu kelas dengan Haruka di Kelas A. Dia orang yang ramah dan selalu berpikir positif , sangat menikmati  nyanyiannya.  Di asrama dia satu kamar dengan Tokiya dari Kelas S,yang kemudian berpindah ke Kelas A. Otoya seorang  yatim piatu. Ibunya meninggal dalam kecelakaan pesawat dia tidak pernah bertemu ayahnya.  Otoya memutuskan untuk menjadi idola karena ia mendengar ayahnya adalah seorang Idol. Dia takut ketinggian, dan menjadi sangat gugup saat naik Ferris wheel dengan Haruka. instrumen-Nya adalah gitar. Dalam anime, Otoya adalah anak pertama yang menyadari perasaannya pada Haruka .

 Masato Hijirikawa

Seiyuu: Kenichi Suzumura
 siswa Kelas A, teman sekelas Haruka, putra tertua  dan  pewaris Grup Hijirikawa. Ia dibesarkan dalam lingkungan yang ketat, membuatnya sangat serius. Cara nya berpikir sedikit kuno, dan dia dapat menampilkan sifat asli diri nya karena sifat serius nya itu. Dia tampaknya memiliki  persaingan dengan Ren, teman satu kamar nya. Masato hanya menunjukkan sisi lembut ketika ada keterlibatan Haruka. Dalam seri ini diungkapkan bahwa ia, Ranmaru dan Ren adalah teman masa kecil karena mereka semua "pewaris perusahaan kaya". Dia memainkan piano.

Natsuki Shinomiya

Seiyuu: Kishou Taniyama
    Teman sekelas lain Haruka, seorang siswa dari kelas A. Dia sangat menyukai hal-hal lucu dan imut. Dia berbagi kamar dengan Syo, yang  dia anggap sangat imut dan lucu  sama seperti Haruka , dia memanggil  Haruka "Elizabeth" karena menurut Natsuki, Haruka terlihat seperti anjing peliharaannya.  suka memasak, meskipun makanannya  sering menimbulkan bencana dan biasanya termakan oleh "Haru-chan." . Dia memiliki kepribadian ganda dan menderita "sindrom Gemini":. ketika ia tidak memakai kacamatanya, kepribadian berubah menjadi  sangat kejam dan berganti nama Satsuki . Namun, ia memiliki bakat untuk menulis dan dianggap sebagai "jenius" di bidang ini . Dia memainkan biola.


Tokiya Ichinose

Seiyuu: Mamoru Miyano
     Seorang siswa di Kelas S, ia sangat mirip dengan  seorang idol, Haruka Hayato. Dia dikatakan saudara kembar yang identik dengan Hayato dan tampaknya menanggung beberapa permasalahan yang  kompleks dan berada di bawah bayang-bayang kakaknya. Dia  pun jadi bersifat dingin dan menyendiri, serta seorang perfeksionis. karakter-Nya tercermin dalam lagunya, kedua pitch dan irama yang sempurna, tapi ia justru dikritik karena tidak menggunakan  "hati" dalam setiap musiknya, karna nilainya sempat jatuh. Dia pun dipindahkan ke Kelas A . Tokiya adalah teman sekamar Otoya itu. Hal ini kemudian diungkapkan bahwa ia sebenarnya adalah Hayato. ia yakin instrumen suaranya adalah yang terkuat.

Ren Jinguji

Seiyuu: Junichi Suwabe
     Siswa di Kelas S, ia adalah anak ketiga dari keluarga Jinguji, dia adalah rival  Masato, yang juga teman sekamarnya.  Cowok flamboyan ini menyatakan bahwa ia lebih dari sekedar orang yang dangkal. Ren biasa memanggilan Haruka dengan sebutan "Domba Kecil" dalam serial anime. Dia, Masato dan Ranmaru adalah teman masa kecil karena mereka semua "pewaris perusahaan kaya". Namun, karena mereka dibesarkan untuk mengetahui  “posisi" mereka, mereka pun jarang berbicara satu sama lain.  Ren sering cemburu ketika Masato "dekat" dengan Haruka. Ren memiliki mantan pacar bernama Seira Hoshikage yang dikencaninya bertahun-tahun yang lalu. dia memainkan saksofon.

Syo Kurusu

Seiyuu: Hiro Shimono
     Siswa lain Kelas S, dijuluki "Munchkin" karena perawakannya yang pendek, dia tidak menyukai julukan itu. Dia sangat ceria dan energik, meskipun ia kadang-kadang membiarkan kemarahannya menguasai dirinya. Dia memiliki saudara kembar, Kaoru Syo (tokoh ini akan muncul di seri Uta no prince 2000%) yang merupakan teman sekamar Natsuki. Syo sangat mengagumi Hyuga Ryuya dan ber keinginan untuk menjadi seperti dia.  Namun, ia memiliki masalah pada jantungnya dan hal itu  membuat saudaranya sangat khawatir.  Sho juga takut ketinggian, dia memainkan biola.


Cecil Aijima

Seekor kucing hitam misterius yang selalu membantu Haruka saat dia sedang kesusahan. Peran Tokoh ini akan lebih dijelaskan di serial berikutnya, Uta no Prince 2000%.

Tomochika Shibuya

Seiyuu: Yuka Imai
Tomochika adalah teman terbaik Haruka, teman sekelas, dan teman sekamar Haruka. Haruka memanggilnya "Tomo-chan." Mimpinya adalah menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal. Dia memainkan electone.


Head Master

Kepala sekolah Saotome Academy, seorang penyanyi  yang memecahkan rekor. Dia adalah kepala sekolah yang bersemangat, selalu muncul tiba-tiba dengan cara yang aneh dan tak terduga. Walaupun begitu, dia adalah kepala sekolah yang bijaksana , memahami  dan memantau perkembangan para siswanya.

 Ringo Tsukimiya

seiyuu: Nakamura Yuuichi
     Guru yang ditugaskan ke kelas Haruka, Kelas A. Dia idol pria yang suka crossdress sebagai perempuan.. Dia memainkan klarinet.

Ryuuya Hyuuga

Seiyuu: Kouji Yusa
     Guru yang ditugaskan untuk Kelas S. Dia juga seorang aktor serta idola Syo . Dia memainkan terompet. Dalam game, terungkap mengapa ia berhenti menjadi idola/ penyanyi . itu karena ia menyalahkan dirinya sendiri ketika pasangan nya, Haruki meninggal dunia akibat ditabrak mobil,pada saat acara bernyanyinya  tiga tahun lalu.

credit to: wikipedia


K (juga disebut K Project) adalah serial anime 2012 yang diproduksi  oleh GoHands studio dan disutradarai oleh Shingo Suzuki, yang juga menjabat sebagai desainer karakter untuk seri ini. K mulai ditayangkan pada MBS pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2012. Anime ini telah dilisensi oleh Viz Media di Amerika Utara dan oleh Madman Hiburan di Australia.

Cerita ini dimulai dengan tokoh utamanya, Yashiro Isana . seorang siswa  biasa yang hidup sederhana. Dia tinggal di kota yang mempunyai teknologi canggih yaitu  Kota Shizume. Dia merupakan siswa dari Ashinaka High School, sebuah sekolah tinggi terkemuka yang terletak di sebuah pulau di luar daerah. Yashiro adalah  seorang anak yang ramah dengan semua orang. Tak ada yang tampak keliru tentang dia, kecuali kebiasaannnya yang lupa di mana dia menyimpan PDA sekolah nya (PDA adalah sejenis handphone yang dapat digunakan juga sebagai alat untuk masuk ke Ashinaka High School). Karna Yashiro lupa menaruh PDA nya, dia sering keluar  masuk sekolah melalui jalan pintas. 

Kehidupan Yashiro yang tenang berubah ketika terjadi pembunuha  dengan korban yang bernama Tatara Totsuka, anggota terkemuka dari HOMRA  . HOMRA adalah nama pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Raja Merah, Mikoto Suoh.  Tidak ada yang tahu siapa sebenarnya pelaku pembunuhan itu,  tetapi orang yang bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan itu  punya penampilan yang identik dengan Yashiro.  HOMRA pun menetapkan untuk menangkap Yashiro dan membunuhnya. Semua orang menduga bahwa Yashiro adalah pembunuh Totsuka. Tapi apakah benar Yashiro adalah pelakunya?


Isana Yashiro

Seiyuu: Daisuke Namikawa (Jepang), Sam Riegel (English)
     Dijuluki Shiro Oleh teman-teman sekelasnya, ia adalah tokoh utama dari seri ini. Ia  seorang siswa sekolah tinggi biasa sampai suatu hari  dia menemukan dirinya dikejar oleh beberapa faksi - HOMRA, Scepter  4 yang dipimpin Raja Biru dan Kuroh Yatogami – mereka  percaya bahwa Yashiro adalah pembunuh Tatara Totsuka, anggota HOMRA.  Hal ini dibuktikan dengan rekaman video Totsuka yang dia ambil tanpa sepengetahuan si pelaku sebelum kematiannya. Dalam rekaman video itu menunjukkan bahwa pelaku dari pembunuhan itu adalah orang Yashiro.
 Tapi Yashiro sama sekali tidak ingat apakah dia pernah melakukan pembunuhan itu.  Dia kemudian meyakinkan Kuroh untuk percaya padanya, bahwa pelaku dalam video itu bukanlah dirinya. Dan Yashiro mencoba untuk mengungkap misteri di balik pembunuhan itu.
Kemudian muncullah peristiwa-peristiwa aneh yang mengelilinginya dalam perang psikis antara para Raja . Meskipun terlihat innocent, Yashiro sebenarnya sangat pintar, dia berhasil mengelabui  Raja Biru, Munakata, dalam pelariannya, dan bahkan memanipulasi  Scepter  4 dengan menggunakan panggilan telepon yang sederhana. Di episode 11, akan  mengungkapkan jati diri Yashiro yang sebenarnya adalah Adolf K. Weismann sang  Raja Perak, sementara "Adolf K. Weismann" yang telah ditunjukkan sejak episode pertama dimana  tubuh aslinya diambil alih oleh Raja Tanpa warna.

Yatogami Kuroh

Seiyuu: Daisuke Ono (Jepang), Matius Mercer (English)
Dikenal sebagai Black Hound , Shiro memanggilnya Kuroh dan Neko sering memanggilnya Kurosuke, ia adalah seorang pendekar yang sangat terampil dalam sebuah misi untuk memburu  Raja takberwarna berikutnya yang ia percayai  bahwa Yashiro lah Raja takberwarna itu.  Kuroh adalah pengawal  mendiang Raja  takberwarna sebelumnyai chigen Miwa. Meskipun ia memiliki sifat yang dingin, ia adalah orang yang baik yang memberi Shiro kesempatan untuk membuktikan bahwa dia tidak bersalah. Kuroh pandai sekali memasak. Dia ikut  membantu dalam festival  sekolah Shiro sebagai murid  pindahan yang tidak jelas. Untuk beberapa episode pertama, Kuroh  yakin melalui video rekaman pembunuhan itu, bahwa  Shiro adalah orang jahat yang telah membunuh Totsuka dengan darah dingin, dan Kuroh pun berusaha untuk membunuh Shiro sesuai permintaan mendiang  tuannya. Namun kemudian , ia setuju untuk memberi  kesempatan pada Yashiro untuk membuktikan bahwa dia tidak bersalah dan  terus memantau semua tindakan Shiro. Kuroh pun  perlahan-lahan mulai akrab dengan Shiro dan Neko. Setelah Shiro kembali bangkit sebagai Silver King, ia pun ikut masuk sebagai anggota Silver King . Pada akhir episode 13, dia terlihat keluar dengan Neko dalam bentuk anjing dengan pedang di punggungnya.


Seiyuu: Mikako Komatsu (Jepang), Stephanie Sheh (Inggris)
     Neko adalah kucing peliharaan Shiro. Dia nakal, menyenangkan dan sering menusahkan Kuro . dia memiliki kemampuan untuk menciptakan ilusi serta berubah bentuk ,  kemampuannya itu memberikan gangguan sensorik - di mana ia mempengaruhi indera manusia untuk melihat bahwa mereka selalu berada di lingkungan yang  berubah ubah. Dia sangat dekat  pada Shiro dan akan berusaha keras untuk selalu melindungi Shiro.  Dia menyatakan bahwa  "Neko itu Shiro." Hal ini kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa dia juga memiliki kemampuan untuk memanipulasi ingatan. Neko memanipulasi kenangan Shiro ke dalam pemikiran bahwa Shiro adalah seorang siswa SMA biasa. Setelah Shiro terbangun sebagai Silver King, ia menjadi anggota s pertamanya. Pada akhir episode 13, dia melarikan diri dengan Kuroh dalam bentuk kucing dengan payung Shiro di punggungnya.


Mikoto Suoh

Seiyuu: Tsuda Kenjiro (Jepang), Keith Silverstein (Inggris)
The Red King, pemimpin Homra dan merupakan Raja Ketiga. Ia sempat ditahan di tahanan Scepter 4, karena ia berharap bahwa  scepter 4 akan mampu menjaga kekuasaannya dan mencegah dia dari menyakiti orang-orang disekelilingnya. Tapi dia kemudian  keluar dari tahanan  setelah menerima panggilan telepon dari pembunuh Totsuka, dia pun marah dan mencari pembunuh tersebut. Menurut Kuroh, ia memiliki 'ikatan tebal dari darah' dengan anggota klannya. Dari wajahnya terlihat dia terlihat seperti orang yang mudah tersulut emosi tapi sebenernya Dia memiliki sifat jauh lebih tenang . Dia telah mengenal Totsuka  sejak SMA kemudian  takberapa lama dia pun mengenal  Izumo. 

Izumo Kusanagi 

Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai (Jepang), Todd Haberkorn (English)
Adalah  komando dan tangan kanan Mikoto. Dia adalah otak dari Homra. Dia berbicara dalam dialek Kyoto, dan juga fasih berbahasa Inggris. Dia adalah pemilik Bar Homra. Dia telah mengenal Mikoto dalam waktu yang lama, dan merupakan salah satu dari sedikit orang yang memanggilnya dengan nama pertamanya. Dia sangat dekat dengan Awashima Seri dari Scepter  4, karena mereka cenderung saling memahami, yaitu sama-sama berada di posisi paling dekat dengan raja mereka.

Misaki Yata

    Seiyuu: Fukuyama Juni (Jepang), Ben Diskin (English)
    Vanguard Homra, dia sangat terampil dengan skateboard, yang ia gunakan sebagai senjata. Julukannya adalah "Yatagarasu". Dia sabar dan penuh gairah, dan tidak suka dipanggil dengan nama depannya yang terdengar sangat feminin ,  Yata dulu bersahabat dengan  Fushimi yang sering mengejeknya. Fushimi menyebut dia seorang "perawan" karena ketidakmampuannya untuk berbicara dengan gadis-gadis. Dia menyebut Fushimi dengan julukan 'Saru', yang berarti "monyet".

Anna Kushina 

    Seiyuu: Horie Yui (Jepang), Colleen O'Shaughnessey (English)
    Yang termuda dan satu-satunya perempuan anggota Homra, dia  selalu terlihat memakai  gaun dalam mode gothic lolita. Anna memiliki kemampuan  menggunakan perseps dengan kelereng kristal merah, yang ia bentuk dari darahnya sendiri. Dia kehilangan orangtuanya dalam sebuah kecelakaan, dan bertemu Mikoto melalui bibinya yang seorang guru.  Dia adalah maskot Homra, dan selalu melekat pada Mikoto. Dia suka nyanyian Tatara, dan dia  adalah penggemar No.1 Tatara. Dia buta warna di mana ia hanya dapat mengenali warna merah.

Tatara Totsuka

    Seiyuu: Yuki Kaji (Jepang), Lucien Dodge (English)
    Salah satu anggota pertama Homra, bersama dengan Mikoto dan Izumo. Dia memiliki kepribadian yang menarik , dan dia adalah pembuat mood  Homra. Menurut Izumo, dia adalah anggota paling lemah. Dia adalah orang yang mempunyai banyak hobi, termasuk bonsai, gitar, menyanyi, merekam video, skateboard dan memasak. Dia dibunuh oleh Shiro yang dimanipulasi oleh White Fox Roh pada waktu itu.

Rikio Kamamoto 

    Seiyuu: Yuichi Nakamura
    Seorang pria pirang yang mengenakan kacamata hitam dan merupakan mitra Yata. Selama musim dingin ia makan berlebihan dan mendapat kelebihan berat badan, dan kehilangan berat badan di musim panas. Dia memiliki kepribadian yang berhati lembut dan penuh perhatian, selalu terlihat bersama Yata,dan memanggil Yata dengan "Yata-san" meskipun lebih tua dan lebih tinggi dari dia, karena mereka saling mengenal satu sama lain saat masih kecil.

Scepter 4

Reisi Munakata 

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)
The Blue King,Raja keempat  dan Kepala Satuan Tugas Khusus Angkatan scapter  4. Dia memakai kacamata, dan memiliki sikap, tenang serta elegan. Dia menyukai teka-teki silang di waktu luangnya. Dia sangat khawatir tentang keselamatan Mikoto meskipun mereka menjadi musuh, dan sangat frustrasi ketika Mikoto  tidak peduli dengan  kehidupan sendiri . Munakata adalah seorang raja yang kuat karna walaupun kewalahan melawan  Kuroh dia tidak menarik pedang nya.  Neko menjulukinya  "Boss dengan Kacamata".

Seri Awashima 

    Seiyuu: Miyuki Sawashiro (Jepang), Tara Platt (Inggris)
    Reishi kedua dalam komando dan satu-satunya perempuan anggota scepter  4. Dia memiliki hubungan dekat dengan Izumo Kusanagi dari Homra dan merupakan pelanggan bar HOMRA.  Izumo memberinya julukan 'Tundra Woman'. Awashima sangat setia kepada Munakata dan sangat peduli denagn keselamatannya.

Saruhiko Fushimi

    Seiyuu: Mamoru Miyano (Jepang), Johnny Yong Bosch (Inggris)
Komando ketiga dari  scapter 4. Dia tidak punya motivasi dan pemalas, dan punya sikap buruk, meskipun dai sebenarnya sangat mampu. Dalam seri ini dia  banyak membuat orang kecewa . Dia memiliki kebiasaan mengklik lidahnya. Fushimi adalah mantan anggota Homra yang mengkhianati mereka yang kemudian bergabung dengan scapter 4 .  ia memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan  scapter 4 untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak kekuatan, namun lebih dari alasan itu, dia berpendapat bahwa  Homra hanyalah sebuah gengster kekanak-kanakan yang tidak akan pernah berarti apa-apa. Dalam Episode 10, ia bahkan mencerca Yata dengan mengatakan bahwa meskipun mereka "memiliki kekuatan khusus,yng mereka lakukan hanyalah bermain punk dan gangster". Dia adalah teman dekat Yata sejak sekolah menengah dan mereka bergabung bersama-sama Homra. Setelah bergabung, Yata menjadi lebih jauh dari dia dan selalu mengejar Mikoto dengan segenap hatinya. Neko menyebut dia "Jerk dengan Kacamata".

Ashinaka School

Kukuri Yukizome 

 Seiyuu: Satomi Sato (Jepang), Carrie Savage (English)
     Dia adalah teman sekelas Shiro  dan juga anggota komite dewan siswa. Kukuri kemudian kehilangan ingatannya tentang Shiro, Kuroh dan Neko. Meskipun demikian, tampaknya Kukuri tidak ingat berteman dengan "seseorang," tetapi tidak bisa mengingat identitas Shiro. Setelah Shiro, kuroh dan neko menyelamatkan Kukuri, dia dimanipulasi oleh Raja takberwarna, dan mencoba membunuh Shiro. Saat tubuhnya  masih dikuasai  Raja takberwarna , dia melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian. Dia masih mampu mengontrol kepribadiannya meskipun tubuhnya dikuasai Raja takberwarna. The White Fox Roh ini kemudian dibebaskan dari tubuhnya oleh Shiro dan Kuroh. Kuroh diperintahkan oleh Shiro untuk membawa Kukuri ke tempat yang aman. Saat Kukuri sadar dia dapat mengingat identitasnya sendiri,Kuroh dan juga Neko. Tapi dia tidak dapat mengingat Shiro.

Other Clans

Daikaku Kokujoji

     Seiyuu: SHOZO Iizuka (Jepang), Kirk Thornton (English)
     The Golden King,Raja Kedua. Dia ditetapkan  untuk mengubah Jepang menjadi kekuatan ekonomi dan teknologi terbesar di dunia. Ia kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa dia adalah seorang letnan formal dari Tentara Kekaisaran Jepang yang menyaksikan percobaan Weismann selama Perang Dunia II.

Ichigen Miwa

     Seiyuu: Sho Hayami (Jepang), Grant George (Inggris)
     Dia adalah pimpinan Kuroh Yatogami, serta ayahnya.  Dia adalah mantan Raja Ketujuh yang merupakan Raja  tanpawarna. Sebelum kematiannya. Dia juga  memiliki  pedang "Kotowari" yang setelah kematiannya pedang itu dimiliki oleh  Kuroh.

Raja Takberwarna (colourness king)

     Seiyuu: Tetsuya Kakihara (Jepang), Lucien Dodge (English)
     Memiliki kemampuan memasuki tubuh orang lain, dan mampu mengendalikan pikiran mereka. Namun, jiwa asli serta kekuatan dari tubuh yang dikuasainya itu tidak dapat dikuasainya. Dia dapat berpindah dari satu tubuh ketubuh yang lain. Raja takberwarna kehilangan kontrol dalam dirinya. Kekuatannya juga digunakan untuk mempengaruhi Raja-raja lainnya.

credit to: wikipedia


Guilty Crown

Zetsuen no Tempest

K (K-Project)

Uta no Prince sama 1000%

Uta no Prince sama 2000%

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013


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Senin, 08 Juli 2013

SHUN. and TSUKASA from THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S Exclusive Interview [日本語あり]

69: Please introduce the person sitting next to you by name and part and tell us a fun fact about that person.
TSUKASA: The person next to me is our guitarist SHUN. and he falls down a lot.
SHUN.: It’s true, even if there is nothing around, I still fall. [All laugh]
69: Your legs get entangled?
TSUKASA: Exactly, he just suddenly trips. Recently, we all follow him in a chain reaction! [Laughs]
SHUN.: Let’s move on. The person sitting next to me is our drummer TSUKASA. Because of his dialect, his intonation is unusual. Being from Yamagata prefecture, he has a wonderfully strong accent yet he is very graceful about it and doesn’t try to get rid of it. I like that about him. I am from Gifu and somehow, after coming to Tokyo, I lost my accent but TSUKASA kept his, following his own path and I think that is great.
69: Do you realize you are speaking with a Yamagata accent?
TSUKASA: Not really. For me, it’s just the standard accent. The members say I do it on purpose cause it sounds good but I’m just talking normally.
69: Can you tell us an unusual habit of the other members of your band?
TSUKASA: ZERO has a very hard time waking up!
SHUN.: He just doesn’t wake up! And he is often late. [Laughs]
TSUKASA: There have been quite a few big delays. Just a few days ago, when we headed to Nagoya, ZERO was supposed to pick everyone up but we all had to get in a taxi and pick him up at home.
SHUN.: Yes, we had to ALL go to ZERO’s house to get him. [All laugh]
TSUKASA: The departure was delayed by about one hour.
SHUN.: Our vocalist Ricky…
TSUKASA: Every word he says is a gag.
SHUN.: That’s true. It’s a pain cause 70% are like old man gags!
69: Even during emcees?
SHUN.: Not for emcees but in every-day conversation. I’m always wondering if it’s really ok to come in after that. We often get stuck for conversation afterwards. [Laughs]
TSUKASA: kazuya is an extremely sincere person.
SHUN.: He is our band’s mediator and the one with the most common sense.
69: Yet at your live at Shinjuku BLAZE, during one of the emcees he mentioned something about not knowing how to use the ATM.
SHUN.: Yes, it was a while back but he had no idea how to use it. We were in the same band before and one day he asked me where he could buy toilet paper. While I had been living on my own since Junior high school and knew about the real world, he had never lived by himself before coming to Tokyo. It was quite long ago but one day he told me he had cooked for the first time and I asked him what he had cooked. He replied “an omelet.” I wondered to myself if making an omelet could be considered cooking. When I asked him how he had made it, he explained that he had held the egg with one hand and pierced the shell with his index finger to break it. [Mimics the action] [All laugh]
69: Imagine you woke up tomorrow and had switched bodies with someone from your band. Who would you like to switch bodies with and what would you do while in that body?
TSUKASA: I would like to switch to SHUN.’s body so that I could intimidate people. [SHUN. Laughs]
69: Is SHUN. usually intimidating?
TSUKASA: The first impression people get when they meet him is that he is intimidating. That’s what I thought. I would like to try and have that same impact on people—to go out and walk through, for example, Shibuya’s Sentagai (main pedestrian street in Shibuya) and just take up the center of the street.
69: So you usually avoid calling attention to yourself when you walk through Sentagai? [Laughs]
TSUKASA: I usually take the sides and am barely noticed.
SHUN.: I would pick Ricky. He has been in many bands and I would like to know what that feels like, to be in another band that’s not THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S. Also, I’m not very good at singing and would like to sing with his great voice.
69: What would you sing if you had his voice?
SHUN: I would sing our songs!
69: Speaking of singing, TSUKASA, you often sing enka (a Japanese genre) at lives. Is it one of your hobbies?
TSUKASA: Yes, it has been a hobby since I was a child.
69: Why enka?
TSUKASA: Well, when I was a child, I sang it due to my father’s influence.
69: You sang at a live a while back and it was quite good.
TSUKASA: Surprisingly, people tell me I don’t sound so good with accompaniment but I have been practicing! It is only a hobby, though!
SHUN.: TSUKASA, ZERO and I often participate in DJ events and TSUKASA always sings.
69: Is your enka repertoire big?
TSUKASA: Yes, you could say that. About 30 songs!
69: Wow, that many?
TSUKASA: Wait, maybe 20! [All laugh]
SHUN.: I think you can stick to the 30.
TSUKASA: Ok, 30 then! [All laugh]
69: When you go to karaoke, do you sing mainly enka or also western songs?
TSUKASA: Recently, it’s mainly enka. If I sing western songs it’s usually the one from the movie “Armageddon.” [SHUN. laughs]
69: Aerosmith is difficult to sing, though!
TSUKASA: When I sing, I transform into that person so I feel my voice becomes just like Steven Tyler’s. [SHUN. laughs] The truth is, I only know the chorus.
69: How about you, SHUN.? What do you usually sing?
SHUN.: I don’t often go to karaoke but when I do, I tend to sing a duet called “Sannenme no Uwaki,” or enka singer Takashi Hosokawa’s “Kitasakaba.” They are both songs my father used to listen to in the car when I was a child. I also sing Akira Terao’s “Ruby no Yubiwa.” Mainly old songs.
69: Do you have any hobbies apart from music?
SHUN.: I’m like a lot of things a little although there are also some things that interest me more deeply but hobby wise I like traveling. I’ve been to India four times and I have even made some friends there. If I have time this year, I want to go again. If I had to choose a favorite country, India would be in the top three.
69: India is an unusual choice. Do you communicate in English when you go there?
SHUN.: It’s mostly body language. Sometimes I do use a few English words. I used to travel a lot as a backpacker so I really enjoy traveling. I also like outdoor activities like sports or mountain climbing. I climb Mt. Fuji every year. I plan on climbing it this year. I also like soccer. Sometimes I play with ZERO and other bandmen.
69: Do you have a favorite player?
SHUN.: I used to cheer for the Netherlands and liked Nistelrooy. Nowadays, I follow the fads and like Messi and Neymar. I’m an FC Barcelona fan. I guess if I had to pick my all time favorite it would have to be Batistuta or Roberto Baggio. The list is endless.
69: How about you, TSUKASA? Do you have an interest in sports?
TSUKASA: None whatsoever. I do watch big games like when the Japanese National Football Team plays. I like to cheer in front of the TV while drinking beer.
SHUN.: Recently, we watched a game together at his place. We had to go to work half-way through, though.
69: What are your other hobbies TSUKASA?
TSUKASA: I like to draw. I even have my own characters, ones I created. I like to draw those and also landscapes, people, and even our staff’s faces, in 3D in pencil.
SHUN.: He also draws THE MICRO HEAD 4’NS original character MONTARO which features in some of our goods.
69: If you had the opportunity to share the stage with any other musician, who would you like it to be?
TSUKASA: I would have to say YOSHIKI from X-JAPAN, Kiyoshi Hikawa and Takashi Hosokawa.
69: Would you like to sing with Kiyoshi Hikawa and Takashi Hosokawa or would you like to play drums for them?
TSUKASA: Anything would be fine!
SHUN.: I would pick the tap-dancer HIDEBOH. He directed the tap-dancing in Zatoichi (movie by Takeshi Kitano) and recently also appeared on a TV show. I have already had the chance to work with him and for a while now have been interested in mixing guitar and tap-dance.
69: So now that we’ve learned a bit about you, please tell us about the concept behind THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S.
SHUN.: As you know, when we got together to from the band, we had all lost our previous bands. At that time, we decided to do what we wanted, to bring together the things we loved and the interests we had. I think you can say THE MICRO HEAD4’NS equals enjoying music!
69: After your first album, A beginning from the end, oneman shows in Japan, and even a European Tour, you are about to release your second album Reverberations and close to celebrating your second anniversary. What has changed since your first live at O-East in 2011?
SHUN.: We have become indisputably closer to each other. To me, this was particularly clear during the European Tour. I didn’t think about it at the time but when I look back, I realize how close we became. It was a great tour but the schedule was tough so band and staff had to come together to overcome all kinds of hardships. It was a good opportunity to really get to know everyone—not only onstage but also off. The bond was definitely deepened.
69: What can you tell us about the new album? Is there a main theme?
SHUN.: The title Reverberations means “echo” or “response.” Our first album A beginning from the end implies, like the title suggests, a new beginning after something ends. It represented what had happened to us. Our previous projects had come to an end and we had to restart. Since then, we’ve consolidated as THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S.  From now on, we want to continue to send out our message through songs and performances and want to hear the fans’ response, like an echo that not only repeats but also adds something to the original message, adding strength to it. That’s what we want to convey with the album.
69: How did you come up with the title? It’s a difficult word [Laughs]
SHUN.: ZERO came up with it. We had no idea what the word meant at first.
TSUKASA: In music, we have the term “reverb” and it kind of gave us a clue as to what the word meant. In karaoke terms, it would be the echo. [All laugh]
69: Can you introduce and tell us a bit about your personal favorite songs from the new album?
TSUKASA: I’m tempted to say the ones I wrote. If I exclude those, I will have to say “Raimei.” If I exclude that, then… [All laugh] The one SHUN. wrote. [To SHUN.] What’s the name again? I forgot…
SHUN.: What was it again? Hmm, I can’t remember, either… and I wrote it. Oh, I got it! “BREAKING & SHUT OUT!!!!!
TSUKASA: Yes, it’s the one that starts with a drum solo…
SHUN.: What? Really? Which one? Is it? Oh… maybe live it does… It’s that one, right?
SHUN.: It starts with a drum solo when we do it live.
TSUKASA: Doesn’t it start the same way on the CD?
SHUN.: Yes, yes! It starts the same way! [All laugh]
TSUKASA: It has a very electronic feeling to it. It’s digi-rock! The music is great. Right after we finished mixing, I listened to it and thought it was a very cool song. It is indeed a cool song!
69: That song makes for a very cool live performance. What are your favorites, SHUN.?
SHUN.: The album’s main theme is “Raimei” so I’m also tempted to say that one. [Laughs] Personally, I also like “I’m like a bird in a cage & U too” because it’s a very intense song. Of course, the fact that I wrote the song and lyrics might have something to do with me liking it so much. The truth is that we have been playing it at lives for a while now and the song didn’t even have lyrics at first. Ricky sang it in nonsensical English but I thought, after that, it was too late to change it back to Japanese. Since our English is not that good, we asked a foreign friend for help with the lyrics. The improvised title for the song was “Youtsu” [which means lower back pain in Japanese] and since it sounds a lot like “U too” so we came up with the new title. [All laugh] Every time I write a song, I come up with an appropriate temporary title. Since I suffered from lower back pain when I was writing it, the choice seemed obvious. The fans heard about the story and the title stuck so we needed something close. [All laugh] The process of writing the lyrics was different from usual, like a game where we had to fill in the blanks; the puzzle pieces coming together, one by one. That’s why that song has special meaning for me.
TSUKASA: I remembered another song I particularly like. May I? [SHUN. laughs] It’s a song I wrote called “Calling.” It was actually the first song of THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S which I wrote the lyrics for. I had been wanting to make this kind of song since the band was formed. As you know, we came together after our bands disbanded and the disbanding of a band makes fans sad, right? I wrote this song for those people, to give them strength to carry through the sad periods.
69: You had your first European Tour as THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S earlier this year. How was it?
TSUKASA: It was great. ZERO and I had been to Europe before with our previous band so it was great to put a new band together and be able to go again. The fans waited for us to return and received us very warmly.
69: Was there a country or live that particularly touched you or left a strong impression?
TSUKASA: When I went to Russia with D’espairsRay, the crowd yelled out, thank you in Japanese at the end of the show and it moved me. Now, I returned with a new band and they did it again. That made me extremely happy.
SHUN.: The tour conditions were hard and although I felt a lot of support from the people around us there were also many tough situations. Overall, the lives were a lot of fun. The thing that left the strongest impression on me was the last show in Munich. I generally don’t use makeup for lives but since it was the last show, I decided to do so. It was actually the first time I wore makeup for a THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S live. The staff knew about this and everyone decided to join me and put on makeup! To top it all, everyone came onstage at the end of the show—with makeup on! It was really funny. As we all held hands and raised them together for the finale, I felt a sense of togetherness and thought, “This is a great band!” The fans seemed honestly please as they looked at us and I remember thinking they were all great fans.
Another episode that I remember was in Hamburg, Germany. The PA was a really scary guy. We heard the Japanese staff say he was scary but the truth is, since he only spoke in English, we didn’t really understand a word he said. At some point, we found out he was the PA for the band Halloween! We were really surprised. As expected, the rehearsal went super smoothly. It was impressive. He got everything right the first time. I thought, “Wow, he is good!” Even though we were still a bit scared of him, we asked him for a photo. [Exemplifies posing] Everyone was very excited to take a picture with him! [Laughs]
69: Are there any other funny (or scary) episodes that you would like to share with us?
SHUN.: It was winter when we went and I don’t remember a day when the temperature was above one degree. It was always below freezing point! The thing is, whenever I’m on the move, I hate to wear anything but sandals. Even if it’s snowing. [Laughs] I hate shutting my feet up when traveling by car so there was no other option! Even when we stopped at the service area, I would go out in sandals and I can tell you, it was indeed cold. [To TSUKASA] Can you think of anything else?
TSUKASA: The farewell party on the last day.
SHUN.: Yes, that was great!
TSUKASA: It happened after the emotional last show we talked about earlier. It lasted until 3 am and we didn’t sleep since we had to leave the hotel the next morning at around 4 or 5 am to head to the airport. At that time, one of the foreign staff sang the theme for Dragon Ball! [SHUN. laughs] It was the French version since that person was French and it was completely different. It seemed like a different song. There were no sounds of punches (like in the Japanese version) which made the song extremely friendly. I decided to show them the original version and to my surprise, he knew it and we ended up singing the song together.
SHUN.: It was chaos. There were beer cans and bottles everywhere. No-one used cups and everyone drank directly from the bottles. It was very rock-and-roll. I can still see it; there were hundreds of bottles around. At that time, everyone was into Jägermeister, which ZERO likes, and the mini bottles were lined up everywhere. We downed them in one gulp and then the available alcohol was passed around from one person to the next.
69: And you were able to get on the plane like that?
TSUKASA: We had to, but with no sleep.
SHUN.: It was tight. We had to run at full speed to catch the plane.
69: Were you OK after all that drinking?
SHUN.: The truth is, I don’t drink, but since it was the last day of the tour…
TSUKASA: It was rock’n’roll!
SHUN.: Rock’n’roll indeed.
69: Did you manage to board?
SHUN.: The moment we got to the airplane, we crashed asleep. There were a few other incidents. ZERO dropped his camera and broke the lense. He likes taking photos and his camera is quite good. Also, as you know, we have to show our passport when we leave a country. On one of those occasions, they wouldn’t let me go through, saying it was not me in the photo. You see, we were heading to a live so I had my hair braided. The person kept saying it wasn’t me in the photo. [All laugh] I kept saying, “Onaji! Same!” but they kept saying it wasn’t. There is always trouble when you are in a hurry!
69: Is there a particular letter, message or present you have received from a foreign fan that left a strong impression? Would you like to share it with us?
TSUKASA: I’d have to say a matryoshka. [Russion doll]
SHUN.: Oh, yeah… [Laughs]
TSUKASA: Also, even though we haven’t been to Australia or anything, someone gave me a toy koala. [All laugh]
69: When you have handshake events, do fans talk to you in Japanese? Are there any interesting episodes?
TSUKASA: Well, someone licked my tongue.
TSUKASA: My mistake, someone licked my ear with their tongue. [All laugh]
SHUN.: You scared me!
TSUKASA: The person hugged me and I don’t know if it was out of enthusiasm or what, but it was a very aggressive hug and she licked my ear. [All laugh]
SHUN.: Since there is not much hugging culture in Japan, I was quite embarrassed about hugs, myself! I’m actually very shy. I kept thinking, “Is it really OK to get this close to a woman?” [Laughs] I was nervous about the hug itself to start with. Let me explain. Many people asked us for hugs, so the handshake event soon became a hug event. I remember thinking, “Is this for real?” Well, as a guy, I was happy. [Laughs]
TSUKASA: Hugs are nice, aren’t they? [All laugh]
SHUN.: Yes, but I can’t avoid feeling embarrassed since I am Japanese. Another thing that left a strong impression was some of the letters I got. I like receiving letters from Japanese fans, of course, but it made me really happy to see foreign fans trying hard to write to us in Japanese, even if their Japanese was not so good.
TSUKASA: The grammar and kanji might be wrong but that just testifies to their zeal and how hard they tried to write it.
69: Have you ever written a fan letter to anyone? If you wrote one, who would you write it to and what would you write?
SHUN.: I have written a fan letter once, actually—to the Japanese idol Shizuka Kudo. I also sent in to her radio show. I wrote many post-cards and she even read one once. I was really happy. If I were to write a letter now, since I love anime, I would write to Mari from EVANGELION Q.
69: What would you write?
SHUN.: Please, marry me! [All laugh]
TSUKASA: I have never written a fan letter. If I did, I would write to Kiyoshi Yamashita from the TV drama “Hadaka no Taishou.”
SHUN.: Why??
TSUKASA: I want him [Kiyoshi Yamashita] to teach me how to make collages.
69: To end with a fun question: If you had a super power, what would you like it to be and why?
SHUN.: I often watch the American TV series “HERO” and they have a character who can teleport. I would like to be able to do that and visit many counties and always be on time, even if I overslept.
69: Is there a particular country you would like to visit?
SHUN.: I want to go to Peru to visit Machupichu. I like to visit world heritage sites. Ideally, I would go to Peru next year and on the way, I would stop by Brazil to see the world cup. [Laughs]
TSUKASA: I want to be able to fly! Like “Bukuujutsu!
SHUN.: That’s from Dragon Ball! “I can fly!” [Laughs]
69: So you want to be like a Sayajin? Aren’t you afraid of heights?
TSUKASA: I’m not at all afraid of heights… Well, maybe not completely unafraid but better than most people. I’ve done sky-diving but it implies falling and in this case, I want to go up instead of down. If I could fly, I would visit many countries although I’m not that into world heritage sites.
SHUN.: I see.
TSUKASA: Although I could be shot for illegal immigration. [All burst laughing] Until I turned 25, I often dreamed about flying.
SHUN.: You fly, don’t you?
TSUKASA: I think I do. [All laugh]
SHUN.: It’s a fantasy!
69: Where would you go?
TSUKASA: I would like to see the pyramids and see the Aurora Borealis. I’ve been to Finland two or three times now but was never able to see it.
69: Lastly, could you give a message to our readers, please?
TSUKASA: I want us to aim for an international audience and wish many people throughout many countries will get to know THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S. I want to try many delicious treats from around the world and hope you will keep supporting us.
SHUN.: Unfortunately, we weren’t able to visit some of the countries initially scheduled for the European Tour; like the UK, The Netherlands and France. We loved the countries we did visit but next time we want to be able to visit many more and reach many more people with our songs. We want to introduce THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S to more and more people, so please keep supporting us!
69: Shall we try that in English?
TSUKASA: We can fly! [All laugh]
SHUN.: Why is your Japanese accent bad and your English accent good? [Laughs]
TSUKASA: Thank you!
SHUN.: I’ll go with “See you!”
69: Thank you!

credit to: rokkyuu

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