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Senin, 10 Juni 2013
Interview with THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S (February 2013)
Q: How did you prepare for the European tour? Did you for example learn English?
Ricky: I didn’t learn English. To me, feeling is much more important than language.
Kazuya: I started to learn English.
SHUN: Well, I didn’t do anything special.
ZERO: I got my visa to come to Europe.
TSUKASA: I prepared a lot of instant-food to take with me.
Q: What do you react to the most/find most surprising when you are travelling in Europe?
Ricky: I did not see so many Japanese people.. but well, that’s not very surprising, is it?
Kazuya: Everywhere, in every city, people were very friendly.
SHUN: Definitely the fans’ enthusiasm!!!
ZERO: I’ve already seen the Cathedral of Cologne, but it’s still an impressive experience.
TSUKASA: There are lots of Japanese cars here in Europe!
Q: How does it feel to be back touring Europe (to Zero and Tsukasa)? Or, to Shun, Ricky and Kazuya, how does it feel to be in Europe now?
Kazuya: Because I personally like Europe, I really enjoy the time here.
SHUN: For me it actually isn’t the first time in Europe. Three years ago, I came to Germany and France!
ZERO: When I was about to stop band activities, I thought I would never do a tour again- but now I’m back. For me, a national tour and a overseas tour don’t seem to be that different. I have many memories for each country, thus, I sometimes get quite nostalgic.
TSUKASA: I feel really happy to meet you all in Europe. Before THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S were formed, I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to come back again for live shows!
Q: What is your favourite thing about Germany? Does Germany even make a difference to you, compared to other European countries?
Ricky: Currywurst tastes awesome. I was very impressed by the Cathedral in Cologne.
Kazuya: I don’t know very much about Germany, to be honest. But I like coming here!
SHUN: Sausages.
ZERO: Jägermeister, Currywurst and soccer are hot!
TSUKASA: The beer and sausages (Wiener Würstchen) are delicious. I think that in Germany there are more historical buildings compared to other countries.
Q: What are you looking forward to the most (apart from food and alcohol^^)?
Ricky: I can’t wait to enjoy the scenery of cities and to communicate with our overseas fans. I would love to understand you all from the bottom of my heart.
Kazuya: Of course I’m looking forward to seeing our fans at the concerts!
SHUN: I’m looking forward to visit some World Heritage sites, as for example the Cologne Cathedral.
ZERO: I’d like to remember my old memories, but also make a lot of new ones!
TSUKASA: Going for walks a lot, exploring the cities and the different landscapes.
Q: Is there anything you would like to do or see (if you had the time)?
Ricky: I’d love to travel the world, do exercises and go swimming at the gym.
Kazuya: Shopping.
SHUN: I want to do some sightseeing, just like an ordinary tourist.
ZERO: I’d love to watch a soccer match! That’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
TSUKASA: I want to try and climb the Berlin TV tower.
Q: There’re lots of stereotypes about foreigners. Are there any you now found out to be true or false?
Ricky: They were all wrong. Actually, people everywhere are very different from each other.
Kazuya: I haven’t been very much in touch with people here, so I don’t know.
ZERO: Not this time, but I always thought that people here were quite shy.
TSUKASA: I was some of our fans queuing in front of the venue, and some of them were pushing around, but it was still tolerable.
Q: What was the most surprising present for you from your European fans?
Ricky: The national flags with the messages on them are a real treasure for me.
Kazuya: I was very surprised because we received a lot of presents. People here are really good at drawing and also at writing in Japanese. That was awesome.
SHUN: Haribo.
ZERO: There wasn’t anything especially surprising, but being able to meet everybody was a deeply emotional experience. Thanks for coming. Thank you so much for waiting for us.
TSUKASA: A bracelet.
Q: There are lots of differences between Japanese and foreign fans. What was the first difference you’ve noticed and how do you feel about it?
Ricky: The fans’ timing is very different, they get excited a lot. I can’t really tell which MC they’ll find interesting and which not. Anyway, it’s all very lovely.
SHUN: No matter what song we play, they are always in very high spirits.
??? (unfortunately they forgot to tell us if it was Kazuya or ZERO who said that): During the SE, many people are screaming in Europe.
TSUKASA: The reactions were impressive. Of course, there are cultural differences but I love both kind of reactions, the Japanese and oversea ones.
Q: How did you get the chance to come to Europe?
Ricky: That’s because I became a member of THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S.
Kazuya and TSUKASA: We’ve received the news last summer and were thrilled.
ZERO: This tour was only possible because we received such a great support from so many people. I’m always truly thankful.
Q: Concerning the other bandmembers, while touring Europe, did you notice any special character trades, you haven’t noticed before?
Ricky: They are all still children. I’m the most grown-up one.
Kazuya: There’s nothing in particular, but every time when I’m on tour with a band, it seems to me that our sound and also our mentality grow stronger.
SHUN: Tsukasa sleeps a lot.
ZERO: I realised that some of us find it difficult to get together as a group.
TSUKASA: When we were walking around the city, we lost Ricky. *laughs*
Q: How do you feel when you see western fans at your concerts in Japan?
Ricky: It’s a great feeling but only if they look at me! If not, I get quite unhappy! *laughs*
SHUN: It makes me so happy.
ZERO: I’m absolutely excited to see them at our shows!
TSUKASA: I think it’s great that they are coming to our concert and really appreciate their support.
Q: How did you come up with the bandname?
Ricky: I’m tired of explaining this. Anyway, it sounds cool, doesn’t it?
SHUN: Please ask Ricky! *laughs*
TSUKASA: When you put your headphones on, you can enter your own little world full of music. It’s as if our songs can enter your body. That’s the idea behind our name.
Q: Why did you chose „MYCLONE“ as a nickname for your fans?
Ricky: It comes from the song “HELLO MY CLONE”.
SHUN: I just love them as if they were “my” clones.
ZERO: We obviously took the name from our lyrics. Another reason we chose it is that our fans are really like our clones.
TSUKASA: We wanted a name for our fans that’s somewhat close to the band name.
Q: Can you imagine your life without music? How do you imagine it?
Ricky: I honestly can’t. It would be like a steak without fat.
Kazuya: I can’t imagine it either!
SHUN: And I can’t even think about it!
ZERO: I think the reason why music exists is that there is a strong need for it. I can’t really imagine my life without music, but I might have found something else.
TSUKASA: My life would be terribly boring without music, because music enhances our feelings and everything becomes much more emotional.
Q: Concerning your amazing song “A beginning from the End”: it is quite similar to the unnamed D’espairsRay song that was used for the ESP website and that was also the opening song for many shows around 2009 (DVD “Closer to Ideal – Brandnew Scene -”). The resemblance brought me to tears when I listened to it. Who came up with the idea of making “A beginning from the End” similar to that D’espairsRay song?
Kazuya: I wrote the song, but I think the resemblance is pure coincidence since I don’t even know the D’espairsRay song.
ZERO: I personally don’t see the resemblance. Really, it’s just a coincidence, I guess.
TSUKASA: kazuya wrote this song so it must be coincidential!
Q: Is there any possibility of a D’espairsRay reunion? And if so, what would happen to THE MICRO HEAD 4N’s then?
Ricky: This question sounds really straightforward! If we were asked a quetstion like this in Japan, we’d get mad. *laughs* [Translator's note: He's probably amused about the differences between Europe and Japan in terms of politeness and straightforwardness]
ZERO: That’s not completely out of question but if we only focused on a possible reunion it would diminish the meaning and the value of our current activities. We are concentrating on THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S now but I still want to play a final liveshow as D’espairsRay.
TSUKASA: Right now there won’t be a reunion.
Q: What can we expect from you after the tour?
Ricky: We will create a whole new sound. With our newly gained overseas experience an amazing sound will be born soon.
Kazuya: I want to keep progressing.
SHUN: Yes, definitely a great new sound.
ZERO: We will develop new ideas, making use of our European tour experience. Also, we hope to expand our overseas activities from now on.
TSUKASA: I promise our music will get more emotional and spritual and hopefully it will make you very, very happy. Anyway, please keep an eye on us and stay with us.
credit to: shosenningen
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