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Senin, 10 Juni 2013
Interview with THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S (February 2013)
Q: How did you prepare for the European tour? Did you for example learn English?
Ricky: I didn’t learn English. To me, feeling is much more important than language.
Kazuya: I started to learn English.
SHUN: Well, I didn’t do anything special.
ZERO: I got my visa to come to Europe.
TSUKASA: I prepared a lot of instant-food to take with me.
Q: What do you react to the most/find most surprising when you are travelling in Europe?
Ricky: I did not see so many Japanese people.. but well, that’s not very surprising, is it?
Kazuya: Everywhere, in every city, people were very friendly.
SHUN: Definitely the fans’ enthusiasm!!!
ZERO: I’ve already seen the Cathedral of Cologne, but it’s still an impressive experience.
TSUKASA: There are lots of Japanese cars here in Europe!
Q: How does it feel to be back touring Europe (to Zero and Tsukasa)? Or, to Shun, Ricky and Kazuya, how does it feel to be in Europe now?
Kazuya: Because I personally like Europe, I really enjoy the time here.
SHUN: For me it actually isn’t the first time in Europe. Three years ago, I came to Germany and France!
ZERO: When I was about to stop band activities, I thought I would never do a tour again- but now I’m back. For me, a national tour and a overseas tour don’t seem to be that different. I have many memories for each country, thus, I sometimes get quite nostalgic.
TSUKASA: I feel really happy to meet you all in Europe. Before THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S were formed, I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to come back again for live shows!
Q: What is your favourite thing about Germany? Does Germany even make a difference to you, compared to other European countries?
Ricky: Currywurst tastes awesome. I was very impressed by the Cathedral in Cologne.
Kazuya: I don’t know very much about Germany, to be honest. But I like coming here!
SHUN: Sausages.
ZERO: Jägermeister, Currywurst and soccer are hot!
TSUKASA: The beer and sausages (Wiener Würstchen) are delicious. I think that in Germany there are more historical buildings compared to other countries.
Q: What are you looking forward to the most (apart from food and alcohol^^)?
Ricky: I can’t wait to enjoy the scenery of cities and to communicate with our overseas fans. I would love to understand you all from the bottom of my heart.
Kazuya: Of course I’m looking forward to seeing our fans at the concerts!
SHUN: I’m looking forward to visit some World Heritage sites, as for example the Cologne Cathedral.
ZERO: I’d like to remember my old memories, but also make a lot of new ones!
TSUKASA: Going for walks a lot, exploring the cities and the different landscapes.
Q: Is there anything you would like to do or see (if you had the time)?
Ricky: I’d love to travel the world, do exercises and go swimming at the gym.
Kazuya: Shopping.
SHUN: I want to do some sightseeing, just like an ordinary tourist.
ZERO: I’d love to watch a soccer match! That’s something I’ve always wanted to do.
TSUKASA: I want to try and climb the Berlin TV tower.
Q: There’re lots of stereotypes about foreigners. Are there any you now found out to be true or false?
Ricky: They were all wrong. Actually, people everywhere are very different from each other.
Kazuya: I haven’t been very much in touch with people here, so I don’t know.
ZERO: Not this time, but I always thought that people here were quite shy.
TSUKASA: I was some of our fans queuing in front of the venue, and some of them were pushing around, but it was still tolerable.
Q: What was the most surprising present for you from your European fans?
Ricky: The national flags with the messages on them are a real treasure for me.
Kazuya: I was very surprised because we received a lot of presents. People here are really good at drawing and also at writing in Japanese. That was awesome.
SHUN: Haribo.
ZERO: There wasn’t anything especially surprising, but being able to meet everybody was a deeply emotional experience. Thanks for coming. Thank you so much for waiting for us.
TSUKASA: A bracelet.
Q: There are lots of differences between Japanese and foreign fans. What was the first difference you’ve noticed and how do you feel about it?
Ricky: The fans’ timing is very different, they get excited a lot. I can’t really tell which MC they’ll find interesting and which not. Anyway, it’s all very lovely.
SHUN: No matter what song we play, they are always in very high spirits.
??? (unfortunately they forgot to tell us if it was Kazuya or ZERO who said that): During the SE, many people are screaming in Europe.
TSUKASA: The reactions were impressive. Of course, there are cultural differences but I love both kind of reactions, the Japanese and oversea ones.
Q: How did you get the chance to come to Europe?
Ricky: That’s because I became a member of THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S.
Kazuya and TSUKASA: We’ve received the news last summer and were thrilled.
ZERO: This tour was only possible because we received such a great support from so many people. I’m always truly thankful.
Q: Concerning the other bandmembers, while touring Europe, did you notice any special character trades, you haven’t noticed before?
Ricky: They are all still children. I’m the most grown-up one.
Kazuya: There’s nothing in particular, but every time when I’m on tour with a band, it seems to me that our sound and also our mentality grow stronger.
SHUN: Tsukasa sleeps a lot.
ZERO: I realised that some of us find it difficult to get together as a group.
TSUKASA: When we were walking around the city, we lost Ricky. *laughs*
Q: How do you feel when you see western fans at your concerts in Japan?
Ricky: It’s a great feeling but only if they look at me! If not, I get quite unhappy! *laughs*
SHUN: It makes me so happy.
ZERO: I’m absolutely excited to see them at our shows!
TSUKASA: I think it’s great that they are coming to our concert and really appreciate their support.
Q: How did you come up with the bandname?
Ricky: I’m tired of explaining this. Anyway, it sounds cool, doesn’t it?
SHUN: Please ask Ricky! *laughs*
TSUKASA: When you put your headphones on, you can enter your own little world full of music. It’s as if our songs can enter your body. That’s the idea behind our name.
Q: Why did you chose „MYCLONE“ as a nickname for your fans?
Ricky: It comes from the song “HELLO MY CLONE”.
SHUN: I just love them as if they were “my” clones.
ZERO: We obviously took the name from our lyrics. Another reason we chose it is that our fans are really like our clones.
TSUKASA: We wanted a name for our fans that’s somewhat close to the band name.
Q: Can you imagine your life without music? How do you imagine it?
Ricky: I honestly can’t. It would be like a steak without fat.
Kazuya: I can’t imagine it either!
SHUN: And I can’t even think about it!
ZERO: I think the reason why music exists is that there is a strong need for it. I can’t really imagine my life without music, but I might have found something else.
TSUKASA: My life would be terribly boring without music, because music enhances our feelings and everything becomes much more emotional.
Q: Concerning your amazing song “A beginning from the End”: it is quite similar to the unnamed D’espairsRay song that was used for the ESP website and that was also the opening song for many shows around 2009 (DVD “Closer to Ideal – Brandnew Scene -”). The resemblance brought me to tears when I listened to it. Who came up with the idea of making “A beginning from the End” similar to that D’espairsRay song?
Kazuya: I wrote the song, but I think the resemblance is pure coincidence since I don’t even know the D’espairsRay song.
ZERO: I personally don’t see the resemblance. Really, it’s just a coincidence, I guess.
TSUKASA: kazuya wrote this song so it must be coincidential!
Q: Is there any possibility of a D’espairsRay reunion? And if so, what would happen to THE MICRO HEAD 4N’s then?
Ricky: This question sounds really straightforward! If we were asked a quetstion like this in Japan, we’d get mad. *laughs* [Translator's note: He's probably amused about the differences between Europe and Japan in terms of politeness and straightforwardness]
ZERO: That’s not completely out of question but if we only focused on a possible reunion it would diminish the meaning and the value of our current activities. We are concentrating on THE MICRO HEAD 4N’S now but I still want to play a final liveshow as D’espairsRay.
TSUKASA: Right now there won’t be a reunion.
Q: What can we expect from you after the tour?
Ricky: We will create a whole new sound. With our newly gained overseas experience an amazing sound will be born soon.
Kazuya: I want to keep progressing.
SHUN: Yes, definitely a great new sound.
ZERO: We will develop new ideas, making use of our European tour experience. Also, we hope to expand our overseas activities from now on.
TSUKASA: I promise our music will get more emotional and spritual and hopefully it will make you very, very happy. Anyway, please keep an eye on us and stay with us.
credit to: shosenningen
Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013
TSUKASA and SHUN. they were at KISS FM
TSUKASA and SHUN. they were at KISS FM to promote the new album.
Here you have a photo of that day
credit to: TMH 4N'S Mexico ST
Selasa, 04 Juni 2013
Karyu Gt.Angelo - Rock and Read 044
So let’s start to talk about Angelo, when
you just joined for a year, and the band is active, do you feel any
pressures? Since the rest of the members have rich careers, they should
have been reliable. Do you feel enriched this year?
It’s been very busy for recording and live.
Sure it is a very enriched year. And I kept feeling pressure in the
band, especially during the recording process. It’s obviously that those
3 people (Kirito, Takeo, Kohta) are full of experience, I keep my
dedication to shock them.
“Dedication” sounds like a bad word (laugh)
It’s not like that, I wish my ability and my skill could amaze them.
Talking about Careeer experience, I don’t think it’s such a gap?
But yes, I think so.
So to say, D’espairsray is under the same
scene as Angelo, it’s like joining a rival’s band, so it’s
understandable to keep that dedication.
To me, I don’t really want to lose to anyone,
whatever the band or person that is. Even when the time D’espairsray
did the opening band for PIERROT, I knew we couldn’t win over them but I
just didn’t want to lose. So when dealing with the same members, it’s
hard for me suddenly change that feeling. Plus, I feel if I don’t
strive, I may fade out. That’s how I started, and right now I still feel
so. If I must make great effects, that’s the pressure I felt.
When joining the band, were you tried to coordinate the other members?
Quite a lot. Especially in live. If you’ve
seen lots of my live performance you should understand. At first it was
like I once went back to the state of flat. By the experience I have in
the past decade, at first I wasn’t able to extend it. It was
unconsciously done, I was thinking, maybe I was changing. But in the 3
days of this August’s Shibuya-AX performance, I felt like I finally be
able to continue my previous performance style.
The new Angelo’s tour started from last year’s November, that time were you struggling?
Yes, I was. At the first era of the tour,
after the show I went very boozy…Even in the blog (the IPM blog) I have
written words like “I’m trying.”, I wanted people to hear my feelings,
and that’d help me to accept myself.
Yes. Such case also happens. Every show I
kept fumbling. For me, the reason why I think it was fun was that I
could keep fumbling.
When you became the official member of the
band, do you feel the distance between you and other 3, like, “me and
the guests.” “me and the band”?
Maybe I have, at first year, I was catching their every mood.
When in the live, any awkward moment when you were talking, did you felt you were inappropriate?
Even now I got awkward moments. But, that was
not scolding. I asked myself maybe it’s because I paid too many
attention on the atmosphere? which led the awkwardness.
Is that how you self-implying?(laugh) In
order to get through the struggling, did you ask yourself, I should do
that, I must do that, any theme you established for yourself?
I’ve considered those too. It’s hard to give a
clear answer. Maybe I can’t give you an answer at all. First of all,
make music, and understand my character, and get accepted by the others,
“Maybe it’s not matching the band”, “maybe this song could play at
live”, “maybe I could”, “as Angelo’s Karyu, I can do many interesting
things too, can’t I?” That’s the thought of fumbling. There’s no clear
answer I can give to you.
Karyu, you are really pessimistic..
Pessimistic, am I?!
Maybe I used the bad word, when you consider a thing, it seems this thing keeps pressuring you.
Ah, I see. That’s how I see things, even though I really don’t want to see things like that. (laugh)
I think you must have some depressed time, “Could I still continue in this band?”
Talking about this, I had same feeling in my previous band too. And the thoughts about how to conquer it.
(In D’espairsray) You were musically the leader of the band, did you often feel the pressure?
It was so. But “I have to first make music
that I like”, making the music based on my own worldview. But after that
I felt still I couldn’t continue, at that time, I was struggling, and
later I received the members messages, and together we went further.
But comparing to the joining of Angelo, surely that struggling is less?
During the live, I think I no longer
struggled, especially the Shibuya AX’s 3 days’ shows, the first day when
we did the tie bands were also very good I think, obviously I’m the
person who needs stimulation.
Your natural fighting instinct was aroused at that time?
Certainly. I felt great when other bands’ fans were watching me.
The bands that were performing at that 3 days, have you communicated with them in the past?
Yes, all of them. Because they were all the
bands in my generation. After the live, the talks were like those in the
Classmates Reunion.(laugh) and we encouraged each other.(laugh) But
when entering the hall, because the real show came, we didn’t talk to
each other a lot. I had lots of preparation to do, and in order to give
myself higher tension.That’s what the tie bands’ event should be, isn’t
it? At that day, in that situation, I felt the feeling in the past was
back, maybe my performance changed, but I wasn’t intended to change, it
naturally happened. During the performance I still felt the worrisome,
but when our stage was over, I felt “that’s it!”. The decade I’ve been
through in my music career, finally I felt it growing in Angelo.
The growing shall mean a lot. The lives from live houses, to halls and outdoor stages, different stages different energy.
I’ve experienced from small stages to big
stages in a very short period, I felt like I learned through Angelo’s
past from their footprints.
When in the outdoor stage, your MC was very good too, any memory of it?
I think I spoke too much. (Laugh) But, right,
I remember the first time when I came to Tokyo, the show I saw was
Hibiya Amphitheater, I went to see CRAZE. Now I was standing in the same
stage, as a performing band, “The memory.” So many things gone through
for so many years, a long lost feeling, like gone back to youth.
Right, you left Yamaguchi to Tokyo, what made you decide so?
For the band. (laugh)
Just for the band, there were people who went to Tokyo to study in the musical college.
I got the Musical College entrance, but that
was just an excuse for the permission of my parents. Making the band was
my real wish. Wherever the school I went to, the taught content
was not what I wanted. “If this kept going on how would I catch my
dream?” So I must first form a band, that was why I quickly quit the
school later.
How quick?
About half year when I entered the college. I
still felt sorry for my parents.. In order to focus on doing the band, I
had to. At that time I didn’t decide if I should enter the V-Scene. I
even feared the V-fans, I supposed they were mad.
But you just feel the passion to do it (the V-Scene)?
I didn’t say I need to do it. But I have a
strong passion. At that time I watched the CRAZE’s live performance. My
tension got very high the day before it, and when I saw them, I was
comparing myself, from my style to theirs.(laugh) Now when I saw the
people standing on the same seat I used to be standing, I wished they
could feel the same excitement and impression as I had been.
Wish to let them feel what you were as an audience, and what you are as a performer.
Yes. By holding such confidence, I stood on
the stage. At that youth time, I had the ambition but I didn’t know how
to express them out. I didn’t knew what to do about it, and if my band
failed, I had to go back to the hometown, I didn’t want to hear the
words like “You’ve failed, that’s why you were back.”, If I can’t
accomplish anything in Tokyo, too shameful to get back. At that time I
felt very lonely, mentally it was quite lost.
You had the dream, but felt anxious about it.
Yes, to me, I had a clear dream, but didn’t
know the techniques to achieve it. I was struggling, I wish to soothe
the past of me.
You must had considered lots of negative things at that time.
Yes, at that time, I thought, maybe I should
just make the tracks I like. I went through them back and forth until I
satisfied my own. I didn’t have a band, and really knew very few people.
Even if I made tracks, nobody is criticizing me, it was all just me to
me. When doing it, I once looked back too. I guess at that time my own
music style was created. At that time, all I told myself was :”hurry
up!”(laugh) Stop keeping myself at home, maybe I should get out and meet
people, by thinking of that, I went to that show. I think that was a
turning point for “Karyu”. I wish to take this chance to tell all the
people who want to start music career, if you are reading my interview.
Hurry up! be confident and keep going. In this way, I think you could
make it. I think lots of composer are penetrating themselves, maybe
trying to get out, be more confident, fight more, instead of frustrating
yourself, I think that will help you grow faster.
Maybe when the tie-bands outdoor shows were settled, you still were struggling?
I don’t think so. When I stood on the stage, I
already made my mind, how to appeal to the past of me, to do a show to
the past of me and to tell him that I’m good. Of course, not all the
puzzling of me were gone, I’m always confusing about which path is the
correct one. But, when you keep walking, of course you’ll have the
confusion, when it occurs, you still need to move on, it’s those
feelings changing me.
It looks like, recently you were not too negative. (maybe comparing the last time’s interview of RR?)
No, I’m actually a very positive
people!(laugh) People have two sides of personality is fine. When my
previous band disbanded, I was quite depressed, I must have said lots of
negative things, and every day I got drunk, and didn’t want to think
about anything.
In order to escape from the reality, you bathed in alcohol every day.
Yes, it was so. Actually, when I got the
offer from Angelo, I was asking, in my current state, could I really
continue? And plenty of negative thoughts were flying in my mind, I
really can’t do it can I? And when having the thoughts of those, I
poured myself alcohol over and over.
Like a picture of a useless man.
I was really feeling so. I really had nothing
to do in the first half of last year, half year of free time, I felt
useless, and lost my strength. Because before that, I was making albums,
focusing on how to make better music, and thinking about making the
band into a higher level, that was my life, and suddenly that life was
gone. I felt I didn’t have any strength to make music anymore. The
Senpai around me tried to persuade me that I should keep make music, or
do the preparation for the next band. I took those advice and tried to
create music, but when hearing it, I had no idea what was inside it, it
was an empty image, I really lost on what was the path in front of me.
The music I created, I couldn’t accept them myself. So to be honest,
nothing was created at those days.
And comparing to the current of you?
Right now I’m very positive. The schedules are full, and lots of things I want to do. I’m so happy about it.
Oct. 4th is a memorial day for you. What do you think as Karyu?
A guerrilla was played at that time and that
was the first time 5 people shown to the world, it seemed like everyone
was enjoying it. Of course it was an important day, to me it was a
memorial day, I had strong feeling of showing the current of me more
things than last year.
You like to call it “memorial day”.
Yes. I have lots of “memorial day”, the first
day I entered the Angelo’s recording studio, the first day I started
recording, the first day I got the call. They are all my own memorial
day. I still remember that day, in last year’s middle of September, the
mastering of album were finished, I kept practicing the tracks heavily.
“Anxious, so anxious” Were those what you said to yourself after that day?
Yes… Everyday, thinking of Angelo, doing
Angelo, it comes that even in private moment everything was about
Angelo, it was my Angelo Disease. (laugh)
And in the September of this year, you were recording the new album. What’s the status of it?
70%-80% of it are finished, it’s good, good!
What’s the good about it?
The concept created by Kirito is very clear,
the lyrics of his worldview is so great, and music is better than the
ones in BABEL. Overall, the width of music is extended, I really like
it. I wish to talk about when everyone listened to it.
Talking about extending the music level, when hearing the tracks of RIP/MOMENT, you feel you were pipped out.
Yes. I held a special worldview inside it.
Same when making the single “Calvary”, the reviews were good too. And my
friends said, “you see, you can.” And they gave me more confident to
move on, RIP/MOMENT is the result of it.
Right now Kirito has trusted you as a
songwriter, in the new album, is there anything you wish to do as a
songwriter, any big theme behind it?
Yes. A week before the deadline, I sent the
tracks. And he said “All are good.” Because there were still 1 week
left, so I was thinking about making some ballad. But the results were, I
failed..(bitter smile) At first, I made 2 ballad, but I wasn’t
impressed.. And then 3 days were left, because I can’t make ballad so I
suddenly changed my mood and created a non-ballad song, and was accept
too… But, I still didn’t make ballad..
Why you are so persisted on making a ballad?
Because I can’t make it, for so many years. I’ve made ballad, but I’m not impressed, I wish to conquer it.
As a listener, do you like ballad too?
Yes. Ballad is the form that could resonate
into your heart. To me, making a cool track is rather easy to me. And
for ballad, the middle tempo is more focused, so if not fight for it, it
wouldn’t be created. I could pour out the feeling into a track, as a
track it was good but, whatever how hard I tried, the ballad failed to
express my deep emotion, to me they were not good ones.
In the history, there were some rock bands
that got breakings of releasing a ballad, is there any ballad you heard
that made you cry?
KATZE’s ballad always does. And BOØWY’s ballad too.
I like BUCK-TICK’s ballad too, and biork’s ballads. The tracks that I
heard when I was a student hit my heart more.
What about “Last Letter”?(A track that Kirito made in PIERROT, which he also wrote a fiction inside the booklet)
Of course. The first time I saw them in
Budokan live. When I enter into the hall, it was “Last Letter”. Waaaa,
what an amazing track, I thought. And after listening to it, I was a bit
vexed about myself, I wished making ballad tracks like it. And when I
watched the movie “Armageddon”, the Aerosmith’s ballad in that movie hit
me too. I remember my staff always sang this Karaoke after the drink.
Even though he’s not Steven Tyler (the singer of Aerosmith?), I still
love it when he sang.
Karyu also loves to sing in the Karaoke?
I sing sometimes, but it’s embarrassing to sing in front of everybody, I hum secretly.
But first of all, as a songwriter in the band, it’s a hurdle you want to surpass in the future?
Yes, I have to surpass it. I made a summary
of my past songwritings, it seems I create better tracks in winter.
That’s why, in this year’s winter, I want to try to make ballads.
And surely you tried to write lyrics too?
No.. I stopped making it. I think my lyrics
sounds like a pervert.(laugh) I’ve read my own lyrics, in D’espairsray
I’ve written some, some were erotic, some like I had taken drugs, tracks
like those were a lot.(laugh)
Maybe that’s your point of view of the world.
You can say that. Rather than the real-worlds
worldview, I prefer writing movie-like worldview lyrics, so sometimes
it looked very unreal, and inside it, it was my own aspiration. And I
felt embarrassing to write them straight..
Have you ever have any ambition in writing greater lyrics?
No. I think it better left to Kirito-san. I
prefer composing more music, I’ve stopped writing lyrics. But as I have
passion to music, maybe things will change in the future. Right now what
I mainly focused is to create ballad that I’m impressed about. I’ve
struggling in it, but failed. And that track I made when I changed my
mood during the ballad-creating process, it was one of my best track
IMO. At that time I just wanted to get out all of my stress, and put all
my emotion into good music, to forget about all the rest, in the end,
the melody was very great, I represented my own feeling into it I think.
It’s not something you thought to impress the others, but yourself.
Yes, it’s a pure of me. Normally, more or
less, I’ll consider several aspects when creating the track, how to make
the track fitting the main theme, and what it would fit in the live.
But that time, I didn’t. I didn’t even care if it would be selected.
It’s a very pure of a track. For such a track in our new album, please
listen to it.
Suddenly you started to advertise it.. It must be happiness when the members accepted it and put it into the album.
Yes. It’s truly artist’s best moment. As a
track first, get myself accepted and then members accepted, in the end,
accepted by the fans of the world. The first listeners are the members,
so when they say “it’s a good track”, I was so happy.
You might struggling when joining the band, but now you felt, the most important is to express yourself the true form.
I must. Right now I’m thinking about surpass
my own further. First express myself, then thinking about how to make
the other members express naturally on my music.
Rise yourself into “Look, that’s Angelo’s guitarist, Karyu!”, is that so?
Maybe I’m on the half of it. (laugh)
Not again, the negative feeling…
Again. (laugh) Nope, I’m always like that.
Even the new album is finished, released, everyone loves the new tracks,
and feeling confident because of it, but that’s just half of my
expectation, maybe it shouldn’t be written here. I also wish to see the
improvements of our selling records.
That’s an important thing too. Maybe it’s
not a good thing to be mentioned, but the selling records show the
number of people who’s listening to it.
Yes, I’m quite attached to it.
Sure, if making records was just for
satisfaction as a hobby, why not doing it like when you first came to
Tokyo, make tracks only heard by yourself.
Yeah(laugh), I don’t know what fans were thinking but I wish to see a good selling record.
Is it a thought suddenly came to your mind recently?
No, I have those thoughts long time ago.
Obviously if the selling record is bad, the money came from makers and
offices is lesser. I’ve had such experience in my previous band, while I
had to calm down and consider how to promote with less money..(laugh) I
know that I can’t do it as a single person, but at least I wish to
surpass the 3 people’s Angelo’s selling records. Before I joined the
band, Angelo have performed in Budokan, so I wish to surpass it, as an
equivalent experienced member. Maybe it was just my own thoughts, but I
see the new Angelo as a starting point. The thought of standing in a
higher level never was wiped out.
And if that number became the number of your unfinished ballad..
That’ll be the best, even if it’s not the
ballad. Talking about the current Angelo, I really wish more and more
people could hear them.
BTW, in the position of your stage, do you also feel such confidence/eagerness?
Recently, I think my MC didn’t suck..(laugh)
Ah, comparing to your previous MC? But in the previous band, I don’t feel you sucked at it.
In D’espairsray, you know there’s a much more
natural dumbass called Tsukasa (laugh), but at times I felt I was not
good at it. And when being a member of Angelo, I felt it a lot. “Am I
making the awkward pause again?”
Besides MC, is your live performance getting audacious as days go by?
I think so. At least, what I think about
performing, at least I should be the spotting one, and during the live,
how to accomplish it. But right now I’m still losing to Kirito-san, that
man is strong, his presence, I could feel his overpower even he is just
standing there.
That’s his aura on stage.
Right, the aura. So right now I can’t be the
center of the stage. And after the live, I asked the interviewer, is my
recent performance great? And also asked the friends. But honestly, the
center of the stage will be the spotting one, so I unconsciously moved
to the center. I’d love to give my past experience of performance into
Angelo’s stage.
I think it’s great that at times the
guitarist’s presence stronger than the vocalist. Vocalist is the band’s
face, the gorgeousness is from its guitarist. Lots of bands are like
Ah, I don’t understand you, are you talking about BOØWY or van halen?
Beside those, and lots of other rock bands.
As an official member of Angelo, to threat Kirito’s presence in the
live is also important, I think that’s the amazement as a band.
True. That’s why I sometimes approached to
Kirito-san unconsciously to gain my own spotlight. I want to release
myself out in the stage. And in the Shibuya-AX 3 days’ performance, I
finally made it. Before that I was fumbling.
What do you think as a twin guitarist?
At first, I didn’t feel great about it, lots
of things happened, in the recording process. I’ve done lots of
arrangement different than the past’s. Lots of stimulation aroused. Twin
guitarists can also give great effects on live. But I’ve been a single
guitarist in the band for a long time, and because me and Giru both
tried getting used to each other, those days we were also fumbling. And
lots of cases are that, Giru arranged some parts, they became a new part
of my creation, also sometime I’ll keep the original version of Giru’s
work, it went on days by days. But at first, to be honest, I didn’t want
to have twin guitarist.. In fact, in the D’espairsray, someone gave the
opinion of having a twin guitarist too, and the members suggested that
maybe when you find a suitable guitarist you’ll change my mind. And we
started the audition of it, but in the end, no way.. But as for Giru,
the first time when our sounds met, that was amazing, while still saying
no, I wanted to taste that feeling. But maybe I already changed my mind
at that moment, I wanted to see the result of my work dyed. I think it
was tough for Giru too, right now I think of him I think so. But Giru’s
arrangement skill is very good.
He’s like a master of using chord.
Yes. And very good at music theory. I suck at
playing anything that is not in my mind.(laugh) But Giru knows how to,
when I’m playing he knows what chord I’m playing at, and at those times,
he’ll create some new arrangement and phrases. With his help, I
expressed more of me. And I started studying the theory too, lots of new
sounds I’ve learned, we get quite well. And I’m thinking about how to
get Giru’s ability out too.
And how to make the vocalist’s harmony sounds prettier is what he’s strength at.
How to seal the gap between the song’s
melodies, lots of phrases were put in. the arrangement he made in this
album were mostly selected. And lots of idea coming from his guitars, we
get very well right now. And it’s just been 1 year.
Your rejection of having a twin guitarists didn’t last long.
No. that’s why I hope more people could listen to our new album, listen to it as a band.
You wish to perform in Budokan too. And in order to accomplish it, what you think you should do?
I maybe don’t want to say it but I thought
about more. (laugh) I want to have world tours. As a member who played
in Europe and America before, it kept to be a goal in me. Of course
Japan is our base, but I wish more people in the world could know me by
touring. It’s my dream right now.
And this year, you toured in Asia.
In the current situation, it’s hard to
perform in all Asia, of course I wish to play in Asia, to overpass the
frontier musically.
Talking about performing worldwide, you must be the senpai of the band.
No, I don’t feel so. It’s true that my
previous band had played live in Europe and America, and also in Asia.
But still lots of things were undone. I felt that It was ended at half
way. I really wished the audience to see me one more time, I had the
passion to let them see the same quality’s live as in Japan. Same
quality of lighting and setting, but suddenly it ended…. So I want to
continue it in Angelo, I understand that if I can’t extend in Japan,
it’s hard to extend into the world. But, I’m not younger anymore.
All of sudden?!(laugh) How old are you.
…I don’t want to tell, it’s a secret.
I think you are still ambitious like a new comer, you have a never grown old leader!
But I’m really not young anymore. Right now I
don’t have strength to play like fireworks. So I want to shine in the
very bright way at once. That’s my recent topic, I’ve been doing bands
for so long, I really wish to reach to a new level. At least once, I’m
talking about it in a positive way.
You are the one who don’t want to lose.
It’s always me. But of course I have lost
too, and after that I was so weak that everyone could beat me..(laugh)
But when I went out of home to tell myself, move on! I’m just that type
of person, and for a year I’ve been through, I’ve grown a lot. Let me
say that one more time please, I wish lots of people could feel it and
be happy about it in our new album.
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