Hiroto: When I woke up, I was on the balcony.
Shou: What do you mean?
Hiroto: I usually sleep, but it seems like I drank milk in the middle on the night, the empty milk bottle had fallen over, and I had slept leaning against the wall of the balcony. When I woke up I could see the sky, I thought that I had died for sure (laughs). That kind of thing often happens. Like I'd be around the refridgerator, and there'd be empty bottles around me. The likelihood that I wake up in front of the refridgerator is high.
Tora: Hiroto really does suddenly get up in the middle of the night. When we used to share a room, he'd suddenly get up and look around, patrolling, then he'd suddenly sleep again, I was shocked, wondering what had happened.
Nao: When I drink, I'm at home without realizing it. Although when I ask the shopkeepers they say "You just went home normally".
Shou: Isn't that just being drunk?
Nao: Well I guess it's not sleepwalking.
Saga: I wake up and shower, make proper preparations then leave the house2, and then I wake up. But, I'm late for work (laughs)
Shou: Saga-kun is seeing the future.
Saga: Sometimes I hate making preparations again, and go back to sleep (laughs)
Shou: I don't sleepwalk, but it seems like I sing while sleeping. It seems like I sleeptalk alot. Like while I'm sleeping I say "No smoking!" Once I had slept in and got confused, and when my manager called me, Kagrra's Izumi-san was like "Shou-san, what's wrong?". The manager of that time had the same kanji as Izumi-san, and because I was half asleep I was mistaken.
Tora: I don't sleepwalk~ I don't sleeptalk, but I often laugh in my sleep. I often wake up to the sound of my own laughter.
Shou: Tora often sleeps with an amazing sleeping posture in front of us. He looks like Tutankhamun (laughs)
Hiroto: Saga-kun is also quiet when he sleeps. When he sleeps, he doesn't even make the slightest movement.
Shou: When you're in the same room, he's so quiet to the point that you can forget that he's there.
-Arena37c; Vol. 336 (Sep 2009)
credit to Edoh

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