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Jumat, 31 Mei 2013
REDRUM - 1st Mini Album 『INITIUM』
REDRUM - 1st Mini Album 『INITIUM』
Produced by HIZUMI(ex.D'espairsRay)
2013.5.29 Release
Limited Edition CD+DVD / GCR-051
CD 5Songs / DVD 1 Video clip
Regular Edition CD / GCR-052
CD 7Songs
Ya, akhirnya video clip garapan Hizumi rilis jg, menurut ku sih konsepnya bagus.
Hizumi banget! latar rumbai-rumbai dan dada-dada....XD
tapi kayaknya kurang cocok diperanin sama Redrum, cocoknya sih Hizumi sendiri yg meranin *lho* XD
DVD L’Arc-en-Ciel World Tour The Final Live at National Stadium dengan bonus Photobook+ CD Audio live in JAKARTA
Ada kabar dari SONY music Indonesia yang akan merilis DVD L’Arc-en-Ciel World Tour The Final Live at National Stadium dengan bonus Photobook+ CD Audio live in JAKARTA!!
Di Photobooknya ada banyak foto-foto penonton dan Cielers Indonesia,
Total isinya terdiri dari 2 DVD, 2 CD Audio & Photo Book, dikemas dengan box plastik.
harganya Rp.375.000 dan akan ada pre-order berbonus poster untuk 150 pembeli pertama.
Pihak Sony belum memberi kabar pasti mengenai tanggal rilisnya, jadi Nantikan terus infonya mengenai pre-order DVD L’Arc-en-Ciel World Tour The Final Live at National Stadium.
credit : SONY music Indonesia
Kamis, 16 Mei 2013
ORICON PSP 1800 Vol.20: Kazuki (SCREW) x Aoi (the GazettE)
— First of all, let me explain the rules. This project is to allow you to spend 30 minutes talking about whatever you want.
[Aoi] Is it also okay not to talk about anything as well?
— That depends on Kazuki’s skill (lol).
[Kazuki] Is that true!? Err… Aoi-san, if you please. Talk to me (begging)!
[Aoi] Ah~ what should I do about that?
[Kazuki] Um~ Firstly, is it alright to jump in starting from the explanation about these glasses!
[Aoi] … … … yeah.
[Kazuki] This seat is meant for the person who takes up the host role, and the rule says that the person in charge of being the host should always be wearing glasses (comment: there’s no such rule)!
[Aoi] Who decided on that?
[Kazuki] Ah… … It was decided from the time Keiyuu-san was here.
[Aoi] Okay. Then this rule ends with Kazuki, right?
[Kazuki] Ah… yes. It ends. It’s decided that it comes to an end!
[Aoi] Right.
[Kazuki] Ah… yes. Umm… So then, on to the discussion. Fact is, I’ve been in good terms with Aoi-san even in private.
[Aoi] There’s no such thing (flatly).
[Kazuki] Ah… that… is so. That’s right. Yes. That’s right, that’s right.
— Do your best!! Kazuki!
[Kazuki] Umm~ Aoi-san, if it’s alright with you, may I? Er… I have a few questions.
[Aoi] No way.
[Kazuki] Right. Okay then. There’s no way, huh. I thought so, too.
— No, you haven’t said anything (lol). Hey! You made a promise to Keiyuu, didn’t you! Do it!
[Kazuki] I did. (Kazuki being in dilemma and drenched in sweat) Aoi-san, umm~ Excuse me!
[Aoi] I’m going home.
[Kazuki] No! Please wait a minute! As expected, this mission is impossible!
— You made a man-to-man promise!
[Kazuki] Right~ Aoi-san! Umm~.
[Aoi] What?
[Kazuki] Excuse me! (leaning back bossily)
[Aoi] What the hell are you doing?
— Ahahaha. It was a mission from Keiyuu, right, that when you invite Aoi-kun, you’ll boast around arrogantly “He came.” (lol)
[Aoi] I’m going home now.
[Kazuki] Aaaaa~ Aoi-san! Please wait! Umm~ can I just ask one thing? This might be too sudden, but what’s your favorite food?
[Aoi] Nothing special in particular.
[Kazuki] Your favorite drink?
[Aoi] Well, I like any beverage.
[Kazuki] On the contrary, what’s your most disliked food?
[Aoi] I guess it’s Kazuki.
[Kazuki] Right… Forgive me (apologizing)!
— Is Kazuki some kind of food!?
[Kazuki] I am! For sure! If Aoi-san says so then I am a food. Err… this one-question one-answer style is really difficult (lol). Is it okay if I end it here?
— But you’ve only asked 3 questions!?
[Kazuki] I’m sorry. Please forgive me!
[Aoi] I’m going home.
[Kazuki] Please wait! I’m going to do this properly from now on! Umm~ Sorry, can I take off my jacket? If you’ll excuse me!
— Ahahaha. You’re sweating (lol).
[Kazuki] Aoi-san, what shall we talk about? *he slips his words here
[Aoi] What’s wrong with you?
[Kazuki] I’m sorry, I’m so nervous my mouth can’t function properly (bitter smile). First of all, thank you for allowing me to have this chance to talk with you!
[Aoi] (silence)
[Kazuki] Err~ Today is kind of hot, right. No~ To be allowed to get this chance to talk, despite having so many things I wanted to ask you since I haven’t had much opportunity to.
[Aoi] (silence)
[Kazuki] Yes. As expected, if I don’t do the hosting properly, the conversation will be hard. Right~ I thought so too.
[Aoi] (silence)
[Kazuki] Umm~ When are you moving out of your current place?
[Aoi] I’m not moving out.
[Kazuki] I see. You’re not. Why did I ask about moving out.
[Aoi] But I’ve got a bidet installed now.
[Kazuki] For real!? That is awesome, isn’t it! That is really awesome!
[Aoi] What’s so awesome about that.
[Kazuki] I see~ that’s right.
— Which is it!
[Kazuki] You’re right.
— As I said (lol).
[Kazuki] No, but honestly, in private, I always got invited out to eat together. He’s really nice, always worrying about me, and we got to talk about various things.
[Aoi] Having said that, who are you talking to (lol)?
[Kazuki] Ah, I’m sorry. I was just talking to the air around me (lol).
[Aoi] Have you been busy lately?
[Kazuki] Yes. Thanks to you I’ve had lots to do. Ah, about that ring! I’m wearing it with care!
— You were given a ring?
[Kazuki] Yes! For my birthday.
— That’s so nice~. Unexpectedly, despite being like this now you’re actually a nice guy, Aoi-kun.
[Kazuki] Wait! What do you mean by being like this!
— He seems good in taking care of his juniors, right.
[Kazuki] Aoi-san is really nice that he can be too nice, you know!
[Aoi] Right. I’m a nice guy. My appearance is gentle, and I look like a kind person who’s good in taking care of others. Right?
[Kazuki] … … … … Ah, yes!
[Aoi] Ah, my mood is bad. I’ll just go home.
[Kazuki] No no no no no no! Wait a minute! I love you!
— You’re suddenly confessing (lol)!
[Kazuki] No, but, to be honest, I used to be afraid of him in the past. I thought there was definitely no way I could approach him. However, once I got to know Aoi-san deeper, I couldn’t help but to like him, so much so that I can’t be apart from him. I love him! He’s such a logical person, and he’s really cool.
[Aoi] As I said before, who are you talking to (lol)? The fans are going to read this conversation, right? Talk about more interesting stuff, will you.
[Kazuki] I see. Okay. I wanted to talk about equipments, will that be alright?
[Aoi] That won’t do. That won’t be interesting for the fans. Think of some other topic that’s more appealing.
[Kazuki] I see. But, private stuff… … won’t that be impolite?
[Aoi] Well. Since I have a public image, you know~.
[Kazuki] Right.
— Kazuki, it’s your duty to draw out that private issue. Display the things about Aoi-kun, things that no one else but Kazuki knows. Praise him. That’s Kazuki’s duty today.
[Kazuki] I see. (looking at Aoi) Surely, speaking of Aoi-san, even his car is awesome. About the Ja-jag-are… … can I say it?
[Aoi] It’s fine. It’s not a jag-are though (lol). It’s Jaguar. Can’t you pronounce something like ‘guava’?
[Kazuki] Is that how you pronounce it! Jaguar! That Jaguar, right, I was given the opportunity to drive it several times.
— Really now!?
[Kazuki] Yes. I had never driven such a luxurious car before, so I had no idea about how to automatically shut the mirror and such. As we entered the highway, I noticed that I forgot to open the mirror! I was so flustered back then. I’m so sorry!
[Aoi] Nah~ I thought then, this guy is really an idiot, huh~ (lol).
Visiting each other’s parents’ house during New Year’s holidays!
— No no, tell me more (lol). Where did you two go?
[Aoi] My parents’ place and his parents’ (lol). It was during New Year (lol). We talked about it a while ago, but only just then got to do it. It was two years ago, I think.
— Aoi-kun’s parents’ place is in Mie-prefecture, Kazuki’s is Tottori, right? The direction is the same.
[Aoi] If you say the same, it is the same, but it was really far away. Since it was New Year, the road was so crowded. On top of that, the snow was horrible. We left Mie-prefecture at 10 a.m., and arrived in Tottori around midnight.
[Kazuki] That’s right. We were unable to take the ridge pass.
[Aoi] True, true. We left the car at some kind of a village roadside station. We couldn’t attach a chain, so we couldn’t continue driving from there.
[Kazuki] Yes. We had to stop for like 3 days, right?
[Aoi] Right. We left the car there, and then I stayed at Kazuki’s place for 2 days (lol). Although we went to Kazuki’s place, there was another ridge that we had to pass, so it was inevitable.
[Kazuki] Right.
[Aoi] But it was fun. There was nothing but mountains (lol).
[Kazuki] Ahahaha. That’s right. There is nothing but mountains at my parents’ place (lol).
— What were you guys doing there?
[Aoi] We’re both basically heavy drinkers, so we’re always drinking.
[Kazuki] Yes. We didn’t come to any conversation. It was a lot of fun. But, wasn’t the meal good?
[Aoi] The meal was good. Originally, we had the intention to tour around to eat crab. So then we ate a lot of crabs.
[Kazuki] It was a like a pair trip, right!
[Aoi] Well, uh, doesn’t that sound kind of gay?
[Kazuki] No, it doesn’t! I’m definitely making some people jealous! To all of the fans, forgive me (apologizing).
[Aoi] By the way, the food we had at Kazuki’s place was so, so good, but the ramen we had somewhere on the way was so, so bad!
[Kazuki] That’s right. It was a famous ramen shop chain store so we thought we definitely had to eat there, but the taste was really different from the one in Tokyo.
[Aoi] For some reason they put a lot of cabbage in it, really awful. But it was really fun at Kazuki’s place. I talked to your parents a lot, too.
[Kazuki] Yes. My parents were also glad talking to Aoi-san. They said you’re such a nice man.
— What kind of conversation did you have!?
[Aoi] Various things. However, I met his brother who was around the same age as me, and he was like, “Because of a guy like you, Kazuki rarely comes home! How long will Kazuki be in a band!” (lol). Your brother is also worried about you. As expected, when I was talking to your family, I thought they didn’t want me to talk about dream-like things like bands and such, like, they wanted us to work properly. But I think Kazuki was raised in a really nice family. That’s because you have really lovely parents.
[Kazuki] No no no, I’m so happy that you said so!
[Aoi] Ah, speaking of which, sorry, sorry, I’m so late. Congratulations for your major debut.
[Kazuki] Thank you so much! But uh, Aoi-san! Forgive me!
— What what what?
[Aoi] Ah, this guy (lol). Before this, he said this was the first time he’s entering the royalties, so firstly he would like to treat me. That’s what he said when he invited me.
— Kazuki’s a great guy.
[Aoi] Right. He’s cute, huh. So then the two of us went for a drink. We had something to eat, and from there we were heading toward the place we regularly go for drinks. But even though we went to drink, he fell asleep along the way!
— That’s the worst, Kazuki.
[Kazuki] I’m sorry (apologizing)! I’m really, really sorry! It was truly inexcusable! The next day, I was told by the ((bar))master about various things that happened after I fell asleep.
— Eh!? Did Aoi pay for the bill!?
[Aoi] No. I firmly told the master that this guy was going to pay for everything.
[Kazuki] No, but then Aoi-san said, “It’ll be bad if the payment’s insufficient”, and then pulled out some money! I’m really sorry!
[Aoi] Just like he said (lol). I was so lonely drinking all by myself.
[Kazuki] I’m so, so sorry!
[Aoi] That’s okay. But y’know, that bar was really nice. I thought that people like us would rarely get invited, but I had relatives calling me to join their nabe party and such. That’s genial. I’ve had invitations to visit their homes too. I like that kind of hospitality.
[Kazuki] But speaking about hospitality, that’ll be Aoi-san. I received a lot of instructions about guitars, advices about equipments, and he also gave me a guitar!
[Aoi] Since I wasn’t using it, I thought I’d just give it to you. Now I’m using one with the same model but with a different color. But doesn’t that sound kind of gay, using the same kind of thing?
— You’re still fussing over that, huh (lol).
[Kazuki] Ahahaha. It doesn’t sound gay! It’s fine! Because I love you!
[Aoi] Hei, that just now sounded gay (lol).
[Kazuki] No, this weird topic doesn’t matter if it’s Aoi-san. Even though I seem so. I’m devoting myself to you forever!
[Aoi] I don’t need that (lol).
[Kazuki] Ah, is that so (lol). I’m sorry! But I really love Aoi-san!
[Aoi] Y’know, the other juniors that I go out to drink with are going to be really jealous (lol).
[Kazuki] That’s right! With the flow of the conversation, it has turned into ‘when we went out to drink’ talk. If they notice, then it’s inevitable! They’ll say, “Ah, he’s not inviting me!”
[Aoi] Then I’m going to be bombarded with questions like, “Why? Why didn’t you invite me to join that conversation!?” (lol).
— That’s because Aoi-kun is famous among other juniors, right. You’re a popular guy.
[Kazuki] That’s right! Having to share with people who like him too, of course I’m jealous.
[Aoi] Like I said, that kind of thing sounds gay, so stop it (lol).
[Kazuki] That’s fine! Although that makes me seem so, I don’t mind!
[Aoi] I’m the one who feels bad (lol).
[Kazuki] Jokings aside, Aoi-san is really a gentle person. When I did something bad, he would scold me. Harshly, but also warmly. Things about guitars, too, he told me a lot of things with gentle care, and he gave me many advices. I’m really thankful. Also among those things, on stage, he is a person I can respect. From now on as well I’ll continue chasing after Aoi-san’s figure, learning from him, and I wish that one day I can go to where he is. I can never surpass him, so I’ll be fine with just being able to see the view from the same place as he is.
[Aoi] No no, go ahead and surpass me. We’ll be doing our best to be unsurpassed, too.
[Kazuki] No, our human tolerance is on absolutely different levels, so it’s impossible… …
— Is there any negative side in Aoi-kun?
[Kazuki] None (firmly).
— Tell me, don’t hide anything.
[Kazuki] There’s none (firmly).
— It will only be between us.
[Aoi] You’re writing down our conversation, aren’t you!? Then it won’t be just between us (lol).
— Ah, you caught me (lol). But is that all there is about Aoi-kun.
[Kazuki] Like I said, that’s all there is (lol). He’s a great guy even at first sight!
— No no, but he must have some unexpectedly weak or frail side, right.
[Kazuki] Ah, I suppose he does. He’s easily moved to tears. We just talked about going home to our parents’ homes together, right. Around two years ago, my grandmother passed away. I was really my grandmother’s boy. Grandma surely wanted to meet Aoi-san too. We talked about that, my dad, me, and Aoi-san while we were drinking, and Aoi-san crumbled and cried. I was so touched. The three of us ended up crying as we drank. I told him about Grandma wanting to meet him way before we went, but we never settled on the plan. We finally decided to go at the beginning of the year, but then my grandma passed away in November. There was no sign, it happened so suddenly. It felt like I was a step behind. I talked about Aoi-san a lot to Grandma, so she wanted to see him too… … …
[Aoi] He’s really his grandma’s boy, so he talked about his grandma to me very often. That’s why I thought I’d go meet her, and then his dad brought up the topic too, I unintentionally lost control of myself… …
[Kazuki] You’re really a gentleman.
[Aoi] I myself really love my grandma and grandpa. The members of our band all came from Kantou, so whenever we had lives in Tokyo or Yokohama, the families of the members came to see us, including our grandparents. I was so happy meeting everyone’s grandparents. Uh, is everyone in SCREW except Kazuki from Kantou?
[Kazuki] No, Jin-chan is from Kumamoto, Manabu from Osaka, Rui from Chiba, and Byou from Tokyo.
[Aoi] Ah, that’s great. In my case, everyone except me is from Kantou, so when we’re in Tokyo or Yokohama, during the greetings backstage, my family is the only one who can’t attend. It’s really lonesome.
— But when you came home to Mie everyone came to see you, right.
[Aoi] Well, yeah.
— Your mother is really young!
[Kazuki] She is! I was so surprised! The truth is, I’ve become Aoi-san’s mom’s mail-friend!
[Aoi] Right (lol). When we visited each other’s families, I hadn’t contacted my mom to tell her anything, but this guy sent her a mail saying “We’re coming home together this year!”. So when I called home, they already knew about our plan (lol). What was that (lol).
[Kazuki] Aoi-san’s mom is my Mie-prefecture mom!
[Aoi] What the hell (lol).
[Kazuki] Let’s go home together again! Oh, right! Aoi-san, this might not be related to what we’ve been talking about, is it okay? I just bought a 60 kg dumbbell! I’m increasing the weight 30 kg each time!
[Aoi] As you increase your muscles, your fans will increase too, huh.
[Kazuki] Yes, I’ll do my best!
[Aoi] You’re becoming a great band recently so I hope you do give it your best. I’m doing my best, so Kazuki should too.
[Kazuki] Yes, I will! Thank you so, so much!
— Yosh. Finally, the one-question one-answer mission, make 5 questions! Do it! Kazuki!
[Kazuki] Really!? Err… Your hairstyle today is nice!
[Aoi] That’s not a question (lol).
[Kazuki] Isn’t it. What will you be doing during the holidays?
[Aoi] I’ll be writing songs.
[Kazuki] Please tell me something that you don’t like about me!
[Aoi] Your personality, I think.
[Kazuki] What! Can we cut that out please (lol)! Please tell me something that you like about me!
[Aoi] Honestly speaking, I don’t really like you.
[Kazuki] For sure, please cut that out!
— Two more questions!
[Kazuki] Praise me please!
[Aoi] Fufufufufu, you’re doing your best, huh.
— Should I cut this part too.
[Kazuki] What! That’s a good thing!
— One more question!
[Kazuki] I love you! From now on, please treat me well!
[Aoi] That is not a question (lol)!
[Kazuki] Ah, I’m sorry! Oh hell I’m awfully drenched in sweat (lol).
[Aoi] Let’s go out to drink again.
[Kazuki] Yes, thank you very much!
credit to:
PSP1800 Vol. 21 Aoi (the GazettE) x Tora (Alice Nine)
PART ONE where we find out who shines the brightest in Alice Nine, Aoi makes it clear what a spoiled child he really is and Tora’s deodorant is being tested
Alice Nine sparkles…
Well then, do your best during these 30 minutes! Oh? Aoi-kun, where are are your glasses? (in the last part they talked about how kei from kra came up with a rule where the host has to wear black, round glasses)
Aoi: Huh? Did you really think I’d do that?
You are right, it would be bad if Aoi from the GazettE did something like that (laugh). Well anyway, do your best as a host! Tora looks like he’s quite nervous, so please do something about that (laugh)
Aoi: Let’s do our best today.
Tora: Ah, yes, le-let’s do our best.
Aoi: You are not nervous or anything, right?
Tora: No. I am. (nervousness)
Aoi: You are? Being nervous is not something you do though, right~ Because you are Tora (laugh) (note: tora means tiger)
Tora: No. No, no, no, no, for some reason I’m nervous. I’m sorry.
Aoi: I heard that you are currently doing this thing where you release a new single for three consecutive months? That you’d be releasing a single soon.
(That knowledge is) as expected from a senpai!
Tora: Yes, thank you so much.
Aoi: What’s the title of the first one?
Tora: It’s ?Daybreak?
Aoi: What? ?May Break??
Tora: No, ?Daybreak?. Sorry (sweat).
Aoi: Ah, I see, ?Daybreak?. What kind of song is it?
Tora: Ah, yes. It’s the kind of song that I can’t say much about (laugh).
What kind of promotion is that! Just when your senpai made you time to advertise (your band)!
Tora: Ah, I’m sorry, kinda. I just can’t say anything smart…….
Aoi: It’s been a while isn’t it? Since you released music.
Tora: Yes. It’s been a year and four months.
Aoi: Oh, I see~ So it’s been a while then. Hm? Tora, did you cut your hair?
Tora: Ah, yes. I did.
Aoi: So what kind of song is ?Daybreak??
Tora: Ah, yes. It has kind of British feeling in it.
I’d say that it has the Alice Nine feeling, but it also has the new Alice Nine vibe in it.
Aoi: You’ve heard it already? Huh? But they haven’t let me hear it yet.
Tora: Um…………….. (sweat)
Aoi: This is the thing about Alice Nine. They won’t give you anything.
X JAPAN!? (note: not giving something is “kurenai” in japanese. like that x japan song. though in that case it’s written in kanji and means crimson)
Aoi: I knew you’d say that. I thought about pointing that out too (laugh).
As expected from you, sensei! We get along great, don’t we (laugh). And Tora, give him the cd, give it to him! Be all “We did it! Please listen to it!”
Tora: No, no, no, wouldn’t it be rude to bring one for him to take… No, I’ll bring you one next time! I’m sorry (sweat)! If you listen to it then… next time I’ll bring you one without it being rude so please listen to it!
Aoi: Yep, thanks. Hey. I’m really bad at these things (being the host). Can’t you do anything about this?
No, no, no, you are doing well enough (laugh). Continue, continue.
Aoi: What should we talk about? I wonder what the readers would like to hear? Tora, what do you want to talk about?
Tora: Well, I’m fine with anything. Wouldn’t it be okay if we waited (until we came up with a topic)?
Aoi: Waiting (for a topic to come up) would be tough (laugh). What should we do? I mean, this is the first time we’ve talked in a year, right?
Tora: Yes, that’s right. We rarely meet at the office, so.
Aoi: Yep. Even though we live so close to each other. We don’t run into each other.
Tora: True, we don’t.
Aoi-kun, don’t you ever invite Tora out for drinks?
Aoi: (No), because he looks like he’d say no.
Tora: No, no, that’s not true!
That’s really hard to believe. Because if you turned down the invite, he’d get depressed (laugh) After all, he’s Aoi from the GazettE. (note: as in he has a huge ego b/c his status and someone turning him down would bruise that precious ego of his)
Aoi: Exactly. I’d be down in one second (laugh). Because I actually do get depressed over things like that.
Tora: No, no, no, I wouldn’t turn the invite down! I’m going to be staring at LINE (note: a message system for smartphones) like “I wonder when he’s going to invite me?”!
Aoi: Well then I’m going invite you next time. But you really do seem like you are going to say no.
The young people today. They (refuse the invite and) say things like “I’m currently on a diet so..”
Aoi: Exactly (laugh). The kids today (laugh).
Tora: No, no, my youth is pretty much gone already (laugh)
Aoi: That’s right. Alice Nine has gone a long way too~ When did you sign into our label?
Tora: This year will be our ninth year, but it’s already been nine years since we formed the band.
Aoi: I see. This is our 10th year so.
Were you only one year apart!?
Aoi: Yes, it’s quite surprising.
Tora: Yes, true.
Aoi: But you know, I remember the time when Alice Nine joined our label (PS COMPANY). My first impression made me think that “Woah~ They look like they are going to sell well~”. I thought that “Ah~ Now all the people in the label are going on their side and I’m sure no one will be looking at us (the GazettE) anymore~”. At the time I was like “Alright then! Let’s crush them now!” (laugh).
Tora: Ahahahahahaha, that’s scary (laugh).
Ahahahaha, that’s amusing (laugh).
Aoi: No, really, it was because ten years ago the GazettE was still quite unpolished. We were working desperately. And then this shining, stylish Alice Nine joins (our label). Well, it was just like us to think that you are going to ruin us (laugh).
Tora: No, no (laugh). Did I sparkle (at that time)?
Aoi: No. You did not sparkle at all (deadpan).
Tora: That’s what I though (laugh)~ Ahahahaha.
Aoi: Your band had a sparkling aura, but Tora didn’t have that (laugh)
Was coming from the vocalist?
Tora: Or like, from Hiroto?
So Shou-kun and Hiroto are the source for sparkles?
Aoi: That’s right, I’d say that it’s those two. And probably Saga. But hasn’t Saga’s image changed lately? The impression he gives now is quite different from the one I had when he joined the label.
Tora: That’s true. It has changed.
Aoi: It’s like the atmosphere around him has changed.
Tora: True. He has become a bit strange. It’s the kind of change that makes you wonder if he hit his head somewhere (laugh). Saga-kun is shy, so he’s slowly sinking into the shadows (laugh).
Aoi: I haven’t had any contact with him during all these years.
Tora: It is like that. Saga doesn’t have contact with anyone (laugh). He doesn’t play (or go out) with anyone.
He really is gloomy.
Aoi: Hey, isn’t that a bit too honest? (laugh)
Ah, I’m sorry, that was rude. Aoi-kun, when it comes to Alice Nine, are you in contact with Tora the most?
Aoi: No, Shou-kun. Because the world of the internet (games). We have the same hobbies. I mean, aren’t we (people in vk bands) kind of like fantasy? Hahahaha (laugh)
Yes yes, I am the fantasy itself (laugh).
Aoi: Yes, I guess that’s why we have contact.
Tora: Because Shou-kun loves things like Final Fantasy.
Aoi: Me and Tora have no contact whatsoever.
Is that so? Then why is he your guest today?
Aoi: Well you see, I thought that if I asked someone I always hang out with I’d end up doing the interview with Kazuki all over again and it’d be boring. So I thought that, well, in that case it might be interesting if this time I do the opposite and talk with someone I’m not usually in contact with.
Didn’t expect anything less from you. To think that you were kind enough to think about it that much, sensei!
Aoi: Well, it’s boring with me anyway (laugh). That’s why I asked if it would be okay if Tora-san was my quest (note: in a very polite language, which is rare for Aoi).
Tora: No, no, no, it’s been an honor! I was very happy when Aoi named me (as his guest). I’m not the type that people usually like and that’s why I was so happy when I got named.
Aoi: Really? That’s not true. I think that Tora is the kind of person who fascinates others.
Tora: No, no, it’s really an honor to be here.
Aoi: What should we talk about?
Tora: Ah, I’m fine with anything you want!
Hey, Tora!
Tora: No, I can’t! I really can’t!
Aoi: What?
Tora: No, it’s nothing!
Speaking of, just before Tora said that there are a lot of things he wants to ask from Aoi-kun.
Aoi: What? Bring it on, everything is fine.
Tora: No, it’s okay (, I don’t have to ask anything) !
credit to:
Selasa, 14 Mei 2013
Shun and Zero TMH 4N'S
SHUN. and ZERO were on May 11 with Makoto at Buddy Sound Works. Then let them entry BSW blog and a photo of the three ~
Selasa, 07 Mei 2013
Release LIVE DVD
■ official online shop limited edition devr-0004 $ price,
4 photos
5.I surrender
8. This has been... Eight songs,
order unequal benefits video EUROPEAN TOUR OFFSHOT,
The WORLD of LIGHT journal 2013.07.10
■ first press limited edition devr-0005 ¥ 3990 (tax in) [CD]
total 11 songs recorded [DVD] Thunder-music video-Making of Thunder
■ recorded 11 songs through Tokiwa devr-0006 ¥ 3150 (tax in) [CD]
Minggu, 05 Mei 2013
Zetsuen no Tempest
Zetsuen no Tempest adalah serial manga Jepang yang ditulis
oleh kyo Shirodaira dan diilustrasikan oleh Arihide Sano dan Ren Saizaki. Sebuah
adaptasi anime oleh Bones ditayangkan pada Oktober 2012 hingga Maret 2013
Beberapa dialog dan elemen plot di Zetsuen no Tempest ini
memberi diambil dari dua karya William Shakespeare, yaitu Hamlet dan Tempest.
Suatu hari, seorang putri penyihir dimasukkan ke dalam tong dan
Suatu hari, seorang gadis tiba-tiba dibunuh, dan pelakunya masih bebas.
Dan suatu hari, pertempuran rentang waktu dan ruang dunia sihir serta balas dendam dimulai!
akal sehat dan kegilaan, akal dan kecerdasan, kepercayaan diri dan keyakinan.
Kisah tragis di dunia dan tidak rasional ini pun dimulai.
Keluarga Kusaribe adalah keluarga penyihir di bawah perlindungan "Pohon Permulaan". Putri mereka, Hakaze Kusaribe, adalah penyihir terbesar dari keluarga mereka. Tapi Samon Kusaribe, anggota keluarga mereka berusaha untuk menghidupkan kembali "Pohon Kejadian", sebuah pohon yang menentang "Pohon Permulaan" dan mengendalikan kekuatan kehancuran, Putri Hakaze pun dimasukkan ke dalam tong, dan dibuangnya ke sebuah pulau terpencil .
Suatu hari, seorang gadis tiba-tiba dibunuh, dan pelakunya masih bebas.
Dan suatu hari, pertempuran rentang waktu dan ruang dunia sihir serta balas dendam dimulai!
akal sehat dan kegilaan, akal dan kecerdasan, kepercayaan diri dan keyakinan.
Kisah tragis di dunia dan tidak rasional ini pun dimulai.
Keluarga Kusaribe adalah keluarga penyihir di bawah perlindungan "Pohon Permulaan". Putri mereka, Hakaze Kusaribe, adalah penyihir terbesar dari keluarga mereka. Tapi Samon Kusaribe, anggota keluarga mereka berusaha untuk menghidupkan kembali "Pohon Kejadian", sebuah pohon yang menentang "Pohon Permulaan" dan mengendalikan kekuatan kehancuran, Putri Hakaze pun dimasukkan ke dalam tong, dan dibuangnya ke sebuah pulau terpencil .
Dari pulau terpencil itu, Hakaze mengirimkan pesan ke laut
dengan menggunakan boneka kayu, yang ditemukan
oleh Mahiro Fuwa, seorang anak muda yang mempunyai dendam kepada penjahat yang
telah membunuh keluarga serta adiknya, Aika.
Mahiro setuju untuk membantu Hakaze dengan syarat, Hakaze bisa menemukan pembunuh Aika dengan sihirnya. Dalam perjalannya, Mahiro dibantu oleh Yoshino
Takigawa, sahabat nya sekaligus kekasih Aika, yang tanpa sengaja juga ikut terseret ke dalam kisah balas dendam
Yoshino Takigawa
Seiyuu: Kōki Uchiyama, Houko Kuwashima (muda)
Teman Mahiro yang berusaha untuk menghentikan Pohon permulaan yang dijadikan sarana untuk membalas pembunuhan adik Mahiro. Sama seperti Mahiro, Yoshino tidak bisa mengatasi kematian Aika,adik Mahiro sekaligus kekasihnya. Atas permintaan Aika, Yoshino merahasiaan pada Mahiro bahwa dia adalah kekasih Aika. Yoshino memiliki karakter yang lebih tenang dan sangat kontras dengan perilaku Mahiro yang sembrono, acuh dan tidak peduli pada sekitarnya.
Sikap dan perilaku Yoshino digambarkan seperti Romeo, karakter dari tragedi Shakespeare Romeo dan Juliet, ia juga memiliki cinta rahasia dengan nasib tragis. Dan karakter Yoshino ini digambarkan pula pada Horatio dari Hamlet, seorang teman dekat eponymous, tokoh protagonis yang merupakan orang kepercayaannya .
Mahiro Fuwa
Seiyuu: Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Yuko Sanpei (muda)
Seorang anak remaja dimana seluruh keluarganya tewas, ayah, ibu dan adik tiri Aika. Demi mencari siapa pembunuh Aiko, Mahiro setuju dengan membantu rencana Hakaze untuk menghentikan kebangkitan Pohon Permulaan dengan dibantu oleh Yoshino. Keinginan Mahiro hanya satu, yaitu untuk mencari dan membunuh pembunuh keluarganya, terutama demi Aika. Meskipun ia tidak berhubungan darah dengan Aika , Mahiro mengaku tidak pernah punya perasaan romantis untuknya, bahkan jika tindakannya menyiratkan sebaliknya.
Sekap dan perilaku Mahiro merupakan gambaran dari Pangeran Hamlet, tokoh utama dari tragedi Shakespeare Hamlet, ia cenderung meninggalkan semua moral dan alasan demi menuntut balas dendam. Ini juga mencakup kiasan untuk Laertes, saudara Ophelia Hamlet tercinta yang juga berusaha membalas dendam atas kematian ayah dan adiknya.
Hakaze Kusaribe
Seiyuu: Miyuki Sawashiro
Pemimpin Clan Kusaribe dengan tugas melindungi "Pohon kejadian" yang merupakan sumber sihir yang digunakan oleh klan-nya. Ia Dikhianati oleh ajudannya, Samon, yang berniat untuk menghentikan Pohon kejadian, dan membangkitkan Pohon permulaan. Hakaze dimasukkan kedalan tong oleh Samon dan dibuangnya hingga akhirnya terdampar di sebuah pulau terpencil.
Hakaze menggunakan sisa-sisa terakhir dari sihirnya untuk
membuat sepasang boneka kayu dimana salah satu dari boneka itu dia masukkan ke dalam botol dan membuangnya ke laut.
Boneka tersebut akhirnya ditemukan oleh Mahiro, dan Hakaze menggunakan boneka
kayu itu untuk berkomunikasi dengan Mahiro. Hakaze meminta bantuan Mahiro dan Yoshino
untuk menghadapi Clan Kusaribe dan mencegah kembalinya Pohon Permulaan. Hakaze tertarik
pada Yoshino, namun menahan diri untuk tidak mengatakan kepadanya setelah tahu
bahwa Yoshino sudah memiliki pacar, dan
Hakaze terlambat menyadari, bahwa kekasih
Yoshino adalah Aika.
Sikap dan perilaku Hakaze adalah gambaran dari Prospero, karakter utama dari Shakespeare, The Tempest. seorang pesulap yang dikhianati oleh pengikutnya dan dibiarkan mati di sebuah pulau terpencil.
Aika Fuwa
Sikap dan perilaku Hakaze adalah gambaran dari Prospero, karakter utama dari Shakespeare, The Tempest. seorang pesulap yang dikhianati oleh pengikutnya dan dibiarkan mati di sebuah pulau terpencil.
Aika Fuwa
Seiyuu: Kana Hanazawa
Tewas bersama dengan orang tuanya satu tahun sebelumnya, Aika adalah adik tiri Mahiro dan kekasih Yoshino. Mahiro dan Yoshino masih belum mengetahui siapa sebenarnya pembunuh Aika. Mahiro pun bertekad untuk membalaskan dendam kematian keluarganya terutama Aika. Aika adalah karakter penting bersama dengan pelaku utama, hal ini mengisyaratkan bahwa dia adalah kunci dari semua misteri yang belum terjawab. Hal ini terungkap saat diceritakan tentang kisah Hakaze, sebelum kematian Aika bahwa dia sebenarnya adalah "Magician Zetsuen". setelah belajar dari masa depan dan memperoleh penjelasan dari Hakaze, Aika memutuskan untuk mengambil orangtuanya dan hidupnya sendiri untuk menyelamatkan dunia. Dan setelah kematian Aika, kekuatannya pun dialihkan pada Megumu Hanemura.
Karakter Aika ini didasarkan pada Sycorax, juga dari The Tempest, yang merupakan karakter almarhum yang muncul dalam kilas balik dan mendefinisikan beberapa hubungan dalam cerita tersebut, dan menggambarkan pula tokoh Ophelia dari Hamlet, dimana kakaknya yang punya perasaan dendam setelah kematiannya.
Kusaribe Clan
Samon Kusaribe
Seiyuu: Rikiya Koyama
Mantan ajudan Hakaze yang merebut posisinya sebagai pemimpin klan Kusaribe dengan maksud membangkitkan Pohon Permulaan untuk mencegah munculnya Pohon Kejadian. Kemudian ia mengungkapkan bahwa ia melakukannya karena ia tahu bahwa saat pulih sepenuhnya, Pohon Kejadian akan menciptakan dunia baru, sehingga bisa menghancurkan dunia
Natsumura Kusaribe
Seiyuu: Junichi Suwabe
Tangan kanan Samon dan salah satu penyihir terbaik dari Clan Kusaribe. Senjatanya adalah tombak
Tetsuma Kusaribe
Seiyuu: Hiroyuki Yoshino
bawahan Samon dan penyihir dari klan Kusaribe. Dia sangat cerdas dan percaya pada alasan dunia. Karena keyakinan ini ia tidak suka [ada Hakaze yang menentang alasan karena ia dilindungi oleh Pohon Kejadian. Ciri9cirinya Memiliki tato panah di wajahnya.
credit to: wikipedia
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