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Jumat, 05 April 2013

The Microhead 4N’s Interview : Europe Tour 2013

1. It’s your first time touring in Europe, what are your impressions of your European fans so far?
Ricky: very energetic! But some people were shy too so I felt that part was similar to Japanese fans
Kazuya: I thought it was great they were all enjoying each moment
Shun: They were wild! It was great!
Zero: They were hyped up even before the show! It really felt like they were waiting for us.
Tsukasa: They were very expressive and warm.

2. Do you see any difference between your Japanese and your European fans?
Ricky: European fans were cheering during ballad songs, in Japan most of them are very quiet during ballad songs
Kazuya: There are differences but both of them are important.
Shun: European fans get excited with any song!
Zero: not much of a difference but foreign fans don’t get the chance to see us live. But we are trying to go see them as much as possible. Until then I hope everyone keeps supporting us.
Tsukasa: they give us great feedback.

3. You all already had experienced success being a member of another band. Coming together and creating a new band could be difficult. Do you get a lot of critics? And how do you feel about it?
Ricky: Unlike the other members I’m still in another band and some wanted me to focus on TMH4N’S. but I can’t quit the other band so all I can do is give it my everything and sing!
Kazuya: There were a lot of opinions but I had a vision so I knew everything was going to work out.
Shun: I don’t think there was much criticism. On the contrary many were happy for me.
Zero: It doesn’t matter if there was criticism or opposition, what matters is to be able to keep on preforming.
Tsukasa: I’m doing what I love so it doesn’t matter what others think.

4. How did you get to know each other?
Ricky: I’ve been friends with the leader Kazuya for over 10 years and he introduced me to the other members.
Kazuya: I asked everyone to join.
Shun and Zero: Through Kazuya.
Tsukasa: Kazuya gathered everyone and I was asked by ZERO

5. How did you come up with the band’s name?
Ricky: we wanted to use an English word that you hear a lot. We wanted everyone to become intoxicated in our world of music through headphones.
Kazuya: The majority of the members agreed on that name.
Shun: Just ask Ricky.
Zero: There were a few options and this one was the best.
Tsukasa: The image is for the music to sink deep into one’s body when you listen to it through the headphones.

6. Are you already working on some new material (new songs/album)? If so, could you give us some hints on what to expect?
Ricky: The album is supposed to come out around the summer. A lot of the songs we preform at our shows so the album will have a live show vibe to it!
Kazuya: The other members also wrote the songs so it has a lot of variety.
Shun: It’s in the making. Its going to have a lot of variety.
Zero: It represents the band from the beginning to this point.
Tsukasa: We releasing our 2nd album.

7. Which song would represent you the most as a band?
Everyone: “HELLO MY CLONE”
Zero: but I think now all of the songs represent me.

8. What inspired you to write and compose your first album?
Ricky: The feeling each member had when they left their last band. The concept of beginning from the point of restoration, return, and end.
Kazuya: Force and drive!
Shun: From our shows.
Zero: We didn’t make it thinking about the record so its mostly about our new beginning.
Tsukasa: The new beginning after ending our previous bands.

9. This question is a little different than the others, but to get to know the artists better, we like to ask this question: If you would be stuck in a movie, which one would it be?
Ricky: The Japanese anime, spirit away!
Kazuya: My favorite movie is the Dark Knight
Shun: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
Zero: Mission impossible
Tsukasa: Castle in the sky.

10. And Last question: Could you give a message for your international fans?
: This is Ricky, I do vocals. Humans all see “the end” several times during their life time, but as long as life goes on there is always a “beginning” too! TMH4’S wants to express that through music. Don’t give up no matter how many “end”s you face!
Kazuya: I really love you guys! It was amazing meeting so many people during this European tour.
Shun: Let’s rage together at the shows!
Zero: With this European tour, we met a lot of you and we want to do this again.
Tsukasa: Thank you for supporting us from across the world! We will try to tour more outside of Japan so please keep supporting us and lets have fun!

©Translated by Aiko

credit to: japakomusic

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