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Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Happy Birthday Kai!

Our beloved drummer and leader of The Gazette!!!!
wish u and The Gazette come to Indonesia <3 font="font">

2012/10/28 00:01
Filled with love

Today is that one day of the year when I’m most grateful to the people around me.

I always say this only after everyone has said their congratulations, so this year I want to gather all my gratitude and say thank you to you all before you get to say “congratulations” to me.

To the other members, who let me think of myself as your current drummer.
Thank you.
Let’s work hard together from now on too!

To the staff, who are kind enough to support the GazettE.
Thank you so much for always listening to our selfish opinions and understanding them.
Let us be a bit selfish from now on too! (laugh)

To the fans, who love the GazettE from the bottom of their hearts.
To be honest, I have also reached a quite good age. (laugh)
But still I feel like I’m living the best days of youth right now and it is all thanks to no one else but you. I want this to last forever. Thank you.

To the parent who gave birth to me and raised me.
I was blessed to be your son.
From now on, I hope that I will be able to give you at least something back through the GazettE.
Thank you.

- Kai-

credit to: OMG!-Oh My Gazette

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