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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011


LUV PARADE adalah session band nya D'espairsRay, syukurlah mereka jd kagak full vacum X3

kang Hizumi jadi bisnisman sekarang XDDDD

Tetap Semangat Mang!!! ^o^

Guitar: Karyu
Bass: ZERO
Guest Vocal: TAKA(defspiral/ex. THE UNDERNEATH

Goods produce: HIZUMI

Source: ZERO’s blog

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

D'espairsRay Disbandment

source :

To cure my throat during hiatus, I had tried all sorts of treatments such as medical care,
acupuncture, physical therapy, Qigong etc.
However, under a situation where there is no good prospect for recovering, we had much discussion and
we came up with the conclusion that we'd rather disband than we fade out without any activities.
Please forgive us for betraying the expectations of our fans looking forward to our comeback.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to do final performance, but we would like to show our gratitude
to you by different ways.

Though I've met lots of people and experienced good and bad things after we formed this band,
there is no useless experience.
I thank all our fans who have loved us for 11 years.


The dream of D'espairsRay we drew has to be given up halfway through.

I am so sorry for the sudden announcement to everyone who has believed we would return.

In this situation that it's unable to do a final gig, please understand to end like this
without telling our feelings to you.

I'm proud of the bond between you and D'espairsRay which will never change.

I'll go on to fill the empty space in my heart little by little and to meet you again with a smile.

To all our fans who have loved us, thank you.
Thank you indeed.


I'm so sorry for the sudden announcement.

Thinking back now, I promised everyone that we would come back in the bus during fan club trip before hiatus.
In the interviews and various writings, I also promised we would meet again.
So sorry we couldn't keep our promise, everyone.

However, this is a positive decision that all 4 members of D'espairsRay took after deep consideration,
so I ask for your kind understandings.

Now the situation still remains the same before hiatus, so we would disband without final tour or final gig.
As a result, there might be some discussion about whether it is good or bad not to do final gig,
but we judged it was impossible to do it with the best quality of our music which we had made as D'espairsRay
for ten years with all of you, so we decided to bring an end without any concerts.

Personally, I haven't painted a vision of the future yet, but I'll keep facing forward and look back a little bit.
Thinking of the days in which I can see your smile, I'll think what I can do myself from now on.

To the most passionate staffs who have supported us all the time,
To all the best "MANIA" who have always believed and loved us,
Thank you so much.


After the announcement of hiatus, I think both every MANIA"and we might spend every day awaiting our comeback.

However, I'm afraid we came to this definitive conclusion.
I'm so sorry to everyone waiting for our returning.

Although we'd continued our musical activities together for over ten years pointing in the same direction,
the feeling is beyond words to bring an end for both ourselves and every "MANIA".
Because it's our treasure for a lifetime.

As you know, I apologize you it's unable to do a final concert because of such circumstances.
D'espairsRay will stay the best band in the world which will be long remembered by everybody even if it disbands.

Feeling proud that I had played as a drummer of this band and also proud of our "MANIA",
I'll spend the rest of my life. I'll live with a positive attitude.

Also all 4 members of D'espairsRay are going to stay the same as before, having a party and celebrating our birthday,
so don't worry!!
It's often said that the reason for disbanding might be due to discord, but it's NOT!

I would like to thank all the "MANIA" and all the people who have followed and supported us.


Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

L'arc-en-Ciel 20th L'Anniversary

Okay so this past weekend L’arc~en~Ciel had their two 20th anniversary concerts at the Ajinomoto Stadium and they announced that they will be doing a nation wide tour in Japan following a WORLD TOUR in 2012!
There is no exact schedule yet for next year’s world tour, but they listed some of the places they will perform at will include:


and more…

semoga aja, and more nya tambah Indonesia,,,Amin3 X333

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Manfaat Buah Naga

Beberapa hari yang lalu emak bawa oleh-oleh buah naga, katanya sih banyak khasiat yang dapat kita peroleh dari buah naga, jadi aku coba cari2 deh manfaat dari buah unik yang satu ini X3 :

Masyarakat China Kuno menganggap buah naga lebih dari sekadar buah dengan beragam manfaat. Buah dengan kulit yang menyerupai sisik ular besar ini sering menjadi pendamping dua patung di meja altar persembahan. Setiap perayaan tahun Baru Imlek buah ini juga disajikan, dan menjadi salah satu sajian yang wajib ada karena diyakini membawa berkah.

Padahal di tempat asalnya, Meksiko, buah naga justru dianggap sebelah mata. Baru setelah dibawa ke Vietnam, tanaman buah naga mulai dibudidayakan secara luas sebelum akhirnya berkembang ke negara Asia Tenggara.

Di Vietnam buah naga kerap disebut Thanh long atau clever dragon sedangkan masyarakat China menyebutnya Feuy Long Kwa. Di daerah Meksiko, buah naga hadir dengan sebutan Pitahaya.

Buah naga sendiri memiliki warna kulit yang menyala, kulitnya juga tidak mulus, melainkan berlapis sehingga mirip sisik ular besar atau naga. Isi buahnya berwarna putih, merah atau ungu dengan taburan biji-biji berwarna hitam. Tekstur isinya seperti selasih dengan cita rasa seperti buah kiwi.

Badan Litbang Pertanian Republik Indonesia menyebutkan, bahwa buah naga dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol, penyeimbang gula darah, menguatkan fungsi ginjal dan tulang, serta meningkatkan kerja otak. Adapun zat fitokimia di dalam buah ini dapat menurunkan risiko kanker.

Buah naga juga sangat baik untuk sistem peredaran darah. Buah ini sangat efektif untuk mengurangi tekanan emosi dan menetralkan racun dalam darah. Buah naga mengandung 80 persen air, vitamin C, serat, kalsium, zat besi, dan fosforus yang bermanfaat untuk mengatasi penyakit darah tinggi.

Kandungan serta pada buah naga yang mencapai 0,7-0,9 gram dalam setiap gramnya juga sangat berguna dalam sistem pencernaan dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Jika ingin terhindar dari berbagai penyakit, tak ada salahnya bila anda mengonsumsi buah naga mulai dari sekarang.

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